A Reddit User Mathematically Proved the Unfairness Of the AWP Nerf In the Latest CS:GO Update
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  • 19:02, 20.11.2022

A Reddit User Mathematically Proved the Unfairness Of the AWP Nerf In the Latest CS:GO Update

A CS:GO fan calculated the weight of a weapon with only five bullets.

Last night, Valve released an update for CS:GO, which, among other things, nerfed the primary sniper rifle in the game. Now, there are only five bullets in the AWP magazine. A Reddit user thought the nerf was unfair.

A CS:GO fan with the nickname Dontpaintmeblack calculated the weight of the nerfed AWP and compared it with the old version. The rifle became lighter with a reduced number of bullets due to the lowered mass of the magazine.

The weight of the AWP with ten rounds is 7,598 kg, and the rifle's weight with five bullets is 7,379 kg. The difference is 2.88% in total. Therefore, according to the user's calculations, the character's speed with AWP should increase due to the weight reduction and will equal 205,798 units instead of 200.

The update also nerfed the M4A1-S and added Anubis to the tournament map pool.

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