Polish Renaissance and the rise of Ukrainian CS:GO - which countries will be represented at the BLAST.tv Paris Major
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  • 17:21, 16.04.2023

Polish Renaissance and the rise of Ukrainian CS:GO - which countries will be represented at the BLAST.tv Paris Major

With the end of the European RMR and the desider bracket, we have learned all the teams that will be heading to the Paris Major, and there are quite a few players for whom this tournament of such status will be their first. The national composition has noticeably changed compared to the IEM Major Rio 2022. Therefore, we will analyze these changes and discuss which countries will be more represented at the BLAST.tv Paris Major 2023, which ones less, and also the reasons for significant changes in the number of players from a particular country.

The biggest increase

Is Poland back on top? Judging by how many more Poles will be at the upcoming CS:GO major, such a conclusion seems obvious. At the IEM Rio Major 2022, only DychaF1KU, and siuhy represented the country. This year, they are joined by 9INE team, rallen from Into The Breach, and kRaSnaL from Monte. We hope that this will be a boost for the Polish pro scene to regain its glory in the future.

There are also noticeably more Ukrainians and British. Previously, most of the Ukrainians who went to majors came from NAVI, but the situation has changed thanks to the predominantly Ukrainian composition of Monte with sdyDemQQ, and Woro2k. Let's not forget about headtr1ck in NIP. As for the British, Into The Breach surprised everyone by becoming the first team in the history of majors where the majority of players are British.

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The biggest drop

Surprisingly, the russian teams played poorly (15 → 9 players), including VP and Cloud9. It should be noted that on the previous major, there were as many players from these nationalities as there were from Danes or Brazilians. If VP is already trying to find a new player to replace Kair0N-, there is no such information about Cloud9 yet. Yes, the American team played much better than Jame and company, making it to the championship with just one map, but they will not play in Paris, so replacements are inevitable.

The situation is even worse for the Germans. The mononational team BIG also failed to qualify for the BLAST.tv Paris Major, ending their journey in the RMR desider bracket. The club's participants will have to root for their compatriot from MOUZ in the person of JDC - the only representative of Germany at the upcoming championship.


The first matches of the Paris Major, the last CS:GO championship of such status, will start on May 8th. A total of 24 teams will compete for a prize pool of $1.25 million. The main stage of the event will be held at the Accor Arena.

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