Party Astronauts surprise with Imperial win at BLAST Showdown
  • Results

  • 22:44, 04.10.2023

Party Astronauts surprise with Imperial win at BLAST Showdown

Party Astronauts unexpectedly defeated Imperial in the BLAST Premier match: Fall American Showdown 2023. The team didn't even lose one map. The next opponent of Party Astronauts will be the winner of the Liquid - Forsaken pair.


It all started with Overpass, where Party Astronauts destroyed the Brazilians with a score of 16:6. On the second map, the opponent's choice, the North American team showed a less confident game and finished the first half at 5:10. However, things went better in defense and Party Astronauts managed to reach overtime, where they defeated Imperial with a score of 19:16.

It is worth noting that at BLAST Premier: Fall American Showdown 2023, the Brazilian team played with a stand-in, Lucas "LUCAS1" Teles. He replaced Jhonatan"JOTA" Willian, who was recently transferred to the reserve. However, starting from the next tournament, Kaiky "noway" Santos will play for Imperial.

The winner of this qualifier will advance to BLAST Premier: Fall Final 2023, which will be held in Copenhagen and will have a prize pool of $425,000. NIPHeroicNAVIVitalityFaZe, and Astralis have guaranteed their participation.

Header image: ESL Copyright | Luc Bouchon

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