Party Astronauts unexpectedly defeated Imperial in the BLAST Premier match: Fall American Showdown 2023. The team didn't even lose one map. The next opponent of Party Astronauts will be the winner of the Liquid - Forsaken pair.

It all started with Overpass, where Party Astronauts destroyed the Brazilians with a score of 16:6. On the second map, the opponent's choice, the North American team showed a less confident game and finished the first half at 5:10. However, things went better in defense and Party Astronauts managed to reach overtime, where they defeated Imperial with a score of 19:16.
It is worth noting that at BLAST Premier: Fall American Showdown 2023, the Brazilian team played with a stand-in, Lucas "LUCAS1" Teles. He replaced Jhonatan"JOTA" Willian, who was recently transferred to the reserve. However, starting from the next tournament, Kaiky "noway" Santos will play for Imperial.
Header image: ESL Copyright | Luc Bouchon
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