It's official: nealaN and Volt have joined GamerLegion
  • Transfers

  • 19:08, 18.07.2023

It's official: nealaN and Volt have joined GamerLegion

Today on their official Twitter account, the German organization GamerLegion announced the addition of two new players to their CS:GO roster.

Kazakhstan-based player Sanzhar "neaLaN" Iskhakov, who previously played for EG, and UK-based player Sebastian "volt" Malos, who was an ITB player - have fully completed the roster after their beat captain Kamil "siuhy" Škaradek returned to MOUZ and Ivan "iM" Mihai moved to Natus Vincere.

Along with the announcement, the organization released a cool welcome video for all their fans.

Now the GamerLegion team lineup is as follows:

  • Isak "isak" Phalen 
  • Nicholas "Keoz" Dgus 
  • Frederick "acoR" Hildstrand. 
  • Sebastian "volt" Malos. 
  • Sanzhar "neaLaN" Iskhakov (captain) 
  • Ashley "ash" Battay (coach)

GamerLegion's strength lay in their unique roster, which included outstanding individuals such as Isak "isak" Phalen, unrivaled marksman Frederik "acoR" Gildstrand and stealthy lurker Nicholas "Keoz" Dgus. What set them apart was their international roster, allowing them to transcend regional limitations and seek out talent from around the world.


Let's take a look at what's in store for the GamerLegion team in Cologne. This international team will take part in the main part of the competition and will have the advantage of skipping the qualifying matches (Play-ins) due to their world ranking. They will compete in Group A, where ENCE, Heroic, the new Cloud9 and four other teams will also compete in the qualifying matches (Play-ins).

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