17:52, 25.04.2023

Today, an article about MVP awards for RMR championships in different regions was posted on the official BLAST website. The players were awarded based on viewers' voting!
Viewers decided that npl deserves the MVP award for Major Paris: European RMR A, and ZywOo deserves it for Major Paris: European RMR B!
npl - MVP of Group A of European RMR
30% of the viewers voted for the youngest player of NAVI's main roster.

Why npl?
Andriy npl Kukharskiy is the youngest candidate for this award, but his age is not the only reason he is the best. Let's take a closer look at his statistics.
Andriy finished the tournament with an average rating of 6.9, which is quite impressive, considering that only b1t surpassed him with a rating of 7.0, just 0.1 higher!

NAVI defeated everyone in their way and reached the legends, finishing the group with a score of 3:0! In their last match against FaZe, npl simply destroyed his opponents, shooting more frags than anyone else.

And Andriy also kept his level in other matches, such as the game against Falcons!

And of course, in the very first match of the championship against ITB.

What else distinguished the young Ukrainian?
He became the second in kills with AK-47, surpassed only by 26-year-old juanflatroo.

Although Andriy excelled in many kills with AK-47, his headshot percentage suffers, only 47% considering all types of weapons. At a rate of 47%, npl kills with a chest shot.

And perhaps the most important thing is the global top rating of players. In it, Kukharskiy took the honorable 3rd place, but he was only a few hundredths away from the first place!

Based on everything presented, we can confidently say that npl deserves this award, as only Natus Vincere and Fnatic were able to get out of the group with a score of 3:0!
ZywOo - MVP of Group B of European RMR
Although Vitality only took 3rd place, losing to the RMR tournament champions, viewers still gave 38% of the votes to the Frenchman.

Why did the French player win the MVP award?
It's all because Mathieu ZywOo Herbaut finished the tournament with a rating of 6.9, which is the best result among his teammates.

In the very first game, Vitality had a tough time but managed to beat Astralis, where the French player was not the leader but still helped the team.

In the next match against the Polish team 9INE, the French player tried his best, but the team still lost the match.

But then things turned around! The French player gathered his strength and single-handedly closed out the match against BIG.

After that, G2 were no problem for ZywOo at all.

However, in the last group match, the French player let his guard down a bit, but Vitality still easily defeated Monte!

The qualifiers for the last CS:GO Major are already behind us! All we have to do now is wait for the start of the Major Challengers Stage 2023, which will begin on May 8 and put the game to rest.
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