MEDIA: Liquid allowed oSee to explore options
  • Transfers

  • 22:34, 22.10.2023

MEDIA: Liquid allowed oSee to explore options

According to the sources of dust2.usLiquid has allowed the team's sniper Josh "oSee" Om to explore options for his future outside the club. This may confirm the previous rumors about the former Heroic captain Casper "cadiaN" Møller joining the team.

This won't be the first replacement in Liquid's roster in recent weeks. Before that, the organization transferred Alex "Rainwaker" Petrov to the reserve, and team coach Damian "daps" Steele took his place. According to rumors, the Canadian will also not retain his place in the roster and will be replaced by Wilton "zews" Prado. Insiders also reported that Robert "Patsi" Isyanov was transferred to the reserve. He will be replaced by Felipe "skullz" Medeiros.

NertZ joined Liquid
NertZ joined Liquid   

OSee joined Liquid in January 2022, moving from Extra Salt. Together with him, the team reached the PGL Major Antwerp 2022, Intel Extreme Masters Rio Major 2022 and Major Paris 2023, and took second place at the ESL Pro League Season 16 and BLAST Premier: World Final 2022.

Header image: ESL Copyright | Adam Lakomy

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