M0NESY Showed the Smoke Bug On Inferno

M0NESY Showed the Smoke Bug On Inferno

G2 Esports's sniper Ilya m0NESY Osypov showed a bug on Inferno that allows you to see enemies through a smoke grenade. A fragment of the athlete's stream was published on Reddit.

To detect opponents, you need to throw a HE grenade behind the smoke lying on the CT near plot B. After this, you can see the silhouettes of opponents against the background of the effect created by the explosion.

Earlier, m0NESY showed another bug with smoke, only on the Anubis map. If you throw a grenade behind the smoke, which lies in the "arch" at point B, the silhouettes of the opponents will appear together with the effect of the explosion. You can learn about the bug in more details here.

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