Kharkiv Reference in the New Baggage Map of Counter-Strike 2
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  • 10:28, 10.02.2024

Kharkiv Reference in the New Baggage Map of Counter-Strike 2

In the update for Counter-Strike 2, known as "Operation Riptide," players were pleasantly surprised to discover a new map for the "Arms Race" mode, designated as ar_baggage. However, the most remarkable discovery wasn't just the addition of the map itself, but a hidden reference to the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, spotted by observant gamers.

Hidden Nod to Kharkiv

Among the plethora of luggage pieces on the ar_baggage map, players from Ukraine, particularly those from Kharkiv, were surprised to find a sticker labeled "Kharkiv." This small detail caused a wave of joy and pride among the Ukrainian gaming community.


Standing behind this special nod is Vitaly Genkin, one of the talented developers of CS at Valve. Genkin, a native of Kharkiv, received his education there before moving abroad to work on the creation and development of video games.


An exploration of the Baggage map revealed that Vitaly Genkin is not the only developer who decided to leave a reference to his hometown on it. Many other game creators also used stickers on the luggage as a way to express their love and respect for their roots. These small details transformed the map not just into an exciting gaming space but also into a unique memorial reflecting the cultural and personal histories of the game's developers.

The reference to Kharkiv on such a globally popular level as in Counter-Strike 2 is not only a pleasant surprise for local residents and fans from Ukraine but also a significant step in promoting the city on the world stage. It proves that even the smallest details can have a great significance, uniting players around the world and demonstrating the deep connection developers have with their homeland.

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The introduction of the new "Arms Race" map and the special nod to Kharkiv have become not just an update for CS but also a symbol of the deep respect developers have for their origins and cultural heritage. It serves as a reminder that behind every project are people with their unique stories and connections, making the world of video games even more special.

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