Johnny Speeds caught the attention of organizations with the arrival of Hampus
Johnny Speeds caught the attention of organizations with the arrival of Hampus

Johnny Speeds is the best ranked team in Sweden, playing all year without the support of the organization. Now the situation may change dramatically, because with the arrival of Hampus “hampus” Poser, who was rented from BLEED, several organizations began to show active interest in signing the team.

This development is important not only for the players themselves, but also for the Swedish CS scene, as the team's potential could be greatly increased with the support of a major sponsor.

Challenges and perspective with the arrival of Hampus

Throughout the year, Johnny Speeds, despite high results, had to exist without an organization, which means no stable financial resources such as salaries. The players' main income came from prize money, about $54,608, which the team split between five players and a coach.

Bringing in Hampus Poser was a significant step for the team, but draken, one of the team's players, said the cost of buying out and maintaining the team has increased with his arrival. “Now with hampus coming in, a few organizations have shown interest, but things have gotten more complicated. He has a buyout and we need to find an organization that can buy him out or do some kind of loan,” he explained.

Hampus contract

The hampus contract with BLEED runs through 2025, which creates additional complications for Johnny Speeds. If the contract were to expire in 2024, the team could expect to see a reduction in the player's buyout value, but current conditions require significantly more funding. This necessitates finding an organization willing to take on not only the buyout obligation, but also the subsequent payment of Hampus' salary.

Source: BLEED Esports
Source: BLEED Esports
draken speaks about the future of Johnny Speeds
draken speaks about the future of Johnny Speeds   

draken on the challenges of finding an investor

In an interview with Esportstudion, draken revealed that several organizations have already shown interest in the team since Hampus' arrival, but noted that his high buyout makes negotiations more difficult. “With hampus, we're worth more than we used to be,” draken said, adding that a full-fledged transition requires finding an organization that can make a serious investment.

Financial challenges and the future of the team

Johnny Speeds are at an important point in their career. If they are able to attract an organization with sufficient financial resources, they can become a key player on the international stage. This will not only allow the team to reach a new level, but will also raise the bar for the Swedish scene as a whole.

Source: Twitch

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