Mirage ALL Instant Window Smokes and how to use them properly

Mirage ALL Instant Window Smokes and how to use them properly

Mirage is one of the oldest maps in CS:GO! This year, the map will turn 10 years old, and year after year, players discover new and more interesting grenades for all possible rounds, fakes, and the like.

As we all know, the most important point on the map is mid. The fight for it takes place practically in every round. But for the attacking side to successfully reach the boxes, the area near the van and the window safely, they need to throw three smokes at the start of the round.

To occupy mid and protect it, you need to smoke off the window, short, and preferably top con, or just zone this area in some other way. But the most interesting grenade is the smoke in the window.

Since most CT players throw a Molotov at the window at the start of the round, your smoke simply puts it out, creating a huge gap and an advantage for the enemy sniper. You can, of course, just throw two smokes, and there won't be any problems, but why waste another smoke when you can learn these simple and much more effective grenades.

During the freeze time, you just need to aim at the right place, and as soon as the round starts, runthrow, and you have a perfect smoke in the window from the very beginning of the round!

The only thing you will need is a bind for Runthrow:

bind "your key" "+forward; -attack;-attack2; -forward"

Also, remember that grenades only work on 128 tickrate!

Which spawns are suitable for us?

First, let's figure out which spawns are suitable for us:


Spawn 1. One of the easiest smokes, just aim at the bottom of the window, then LMB+Runthrow and you have a smoke ready in the window!


Spawn 2. The situation is very similar to the previous one, aimed, pressed 2 buttons and the smoke is already flying into the window!


Spawn 3. Here, the situation may seem more difficult, but in fact, you just need to aim as shown in the photo, crouch and start moving. When your crosshair reaches the fence, as shown in the second photo, you just need to press the bind and everything is ready!


Spawn 4. This grenade is thrown according to the following instructions:

  • Aim as shown in the photo
  • Crouch
  • Take 2 steps
  • When the crosshair reaches the carpet, as shown in the second photo, press the bind.

Spawn 5. And again we are back to the easiest grenades. Aim, release the grenade, press the bind, and the window is in smoke!


Spawn 6. The situation is completely repeated with the previous spawn. You just need to use the bind.


Spawn 7. Use the bind and the grenade lands perfectly in the intended spot!


Spawn 8. It couldn't be easier! Aim properly and use Runthrow!


Spawn 9. Just aim and use Runthrow, and the grenade flies in 100% of cases!


Grenades can be extremely useful in your competitive games. And sometimes they just simplify your game. If your goal is to reach the heights of esports, knowledge of grenades is one of the first indicators of what distinguishes a good player from a bad one! Good luck in your next matches!

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