The IHC Lineup Will Perform at RMR Under the Tag TheMongolZ
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  • 15:09, 03.04.2023

The IHC Lineup Will Perform at RMR Under the Tag TheMongolZ

The IHC team will perform under the tag TheMongolZ at the nearest RMR.

The lineup of IHC is officially registered on the Asian RMR under the tag IHC. MESA, the organizer of the Asian RMR, reported this. However, there were no messages from the organization.

What happened to IHC?

After such sudden news, the question immediately arises: what happened to the organization with such great results? The problem is not the results.

On February 3, before the main stage of IEM Katowice 2023, it became known that the founders of the IHC company were arrested. A few days later, the esports organization announced that the club had no relation to these people and would continue work. And so it was. The CS:GO team performed under the IHC tag at IEM Katowice 2023 and three more events. However, problems have overtaken the club.

IHC's problems began at the beginning of February
IHC's problems began at the beginning of February

Most likely, the arrest of the IHC company’s founders, which were engaged in the sale of cryptocurrency, which it issued independently, still affected the esports organization. There have been no posts on the club's official Twitter since March 24. Perhaps the club no longer exists.

What does this mean for the roster?

Now the IHC team will appear under the tag TheMongolZ. But what does this mean for players?

Very little will change for them because TheMongolZ is an organization that has existed since 2013. The only problem may be reduced funding and fewer bootcamps, but this is much better than performing without a club. In addition, TheMongolZ signed an excellent line-up, and, most likely, the results will not get worse.

IHC officially announces signing of new squad
IHC officially announces signing of new squad   

When will the Asian RMR be held?

Asian RMR will be held from April 6 to 9 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. All information about the event is available here.

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