IEM Fall is going to be an RMR event

IEM Fall is going to be an RMR event

A massive change for 2021 Season

An important development for the season.

ESL have announced that IEM Fall, which was previously in the calendar as the standalone event, is going to be the final RMR event of the season. That means that while South America and CIS are going to have three separate tournaments towards the qualifying for the PGL Major Stockholm 2021, Europe, Asia, North America and Oceania will be left with only two.

Five of the six events will be played online and conclude in the beginning of October, while the European part will feature 24 teams in the LAN setting, battling until October 10th to figure out the last remaining participants of the Swedish Major.

PGL Major Stockholm 2021 is planned to begin on October 23rd but if those few weeks are going to be enough for teams from all across the globe to obtain visas and move to Sweden, remains to be seen.

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