"I want to write to her so much,": S1mple shared new revelations in the middle of the night
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  • 09:05, 03.06.2023

"I want to write to her so much,": S1mple shared new revelations in the middle of the night

Natus Vincere’s sniper Oleksander s1mple Kostyliev made a few posts on his Telegram channel about CS:GO experts, war, and the past.

About experts and analysts

Here, s1mple may support the words of nafany from Cloud9, who criticized analysts and coaches who broadcast their opinions as if they were facts. Often they also have false ideas about the internal structure of a particular team:

So that you understand, there are a lot of guys in the community who don't understand this game. Some of them speak their opinion without understanding this game at all, it's really crazy.
  Oleksander s1mple Kostyliev  

Hard to find, easy to lose, and impossible to forget?

It seems that s1mple, who broke up with Arynian in August 2022, still can't get her out of his head. He seasoned his speech with one of life's pearls of wisdom..

I want to write to her. And many people told me: WRITE!
Damn, I rarely share anything here, I'll just tell you one thing - you change people for the better, as you can't do anything alone in this world.
  Oleksander s1mple Kostyliev  
ESL Pro League Season 21 playoff bracket has been announced
ESL Pro League Season 21 playoff bracket has been announced   

A few words dedicated to the supporters of the Russian Federation's aggression

Also, Kostylev did not ignore the supporters of the Russian Federation’s military aggression unleashed against Ukraine. He said this in the background of almost daily night shelling of Kyiv with drones and various missiles.

Guys, do you at least understand that the raschka [it means RF] is doing shit? No? No is a bad answer.
I understand that many people are joking, but there are some dumb**es too.
  Oleksander s1mple Kostyliev  

Remember that NAVI withdrew from the BLAST Premier Spring Final not so long ago due to visa problems. Therefore, the next tournament with s1mple's participation will be held only in July, and it will be BLAST Premier Fall Groups.

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