GODSENT commented on joel's ban by ESIC

GODSENT commented on joel's ban by ESIC

The representatives of the esports club GODSENT expressed their opinion regarding the temporary disqualification of their former CS:GO player, Joel "joel" Holmlund. In the official statement, the organization affirmed that the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) had long provided them with information on the impermissible actions committed by Holmlund. For this reason, GODSENT decided to remove the player from their roster. However, they could not publicly disclose the incident as the investigation was not yet complete.

Today we can reveal the reasons why we as of earlier this year benched and eventually parted ways with the Swedish player Joel who previously was part of our main roster.Joel's suspension from Godsent followed us being informed of serious allegations relating to match-fixing and betting in between the 27th of March and the 1st of May, on our own and other matches, coming from relevant parties in the industry. As soon as we retrieved the information we immediately suspended Joel from play. Then we have been closely collaborating with ESIC in helping them build a case and collecting evidence in collaboration with third parties.
Joel's contract was eventually terminated and any relations and associations he had with our organization were void. This unfortunately made it so that he could continue playing in other teams until ESIC could finalize and make its case. ESIC has since three weeks ago presented Joel with a Notice of Charge that has now fallen due, whereas he will be facing a ban from professional play in all tournaments protected by ESIC.

The organization's representatives reported that joel would be disqualified for a long term. They also expressed hope that Holmlund’s behavior would serve as a lesson for the entire esports community.

The reason for our delay in sharing more information is that we have been working with ESIC in confidence and confidentiality and neither we nor ESIC have been able to make any public statements until we have had enough evidence to move forward with the case. This process has now been executed.We are very saddened by this situation however we are positive that we finally have been able to resolve the situation and that Joel is facing a long-term ban, hopefully sending a signal to the scene. We thank ESIC for their support and diligence in this case.
Godsent condemn these behaviors in the strongest sense, and will continue to work hard to protect the game from bad actors that destroy fair competition in the sport we love.

It was previously known that joel violated ESIC's anti-corruption code while performing at BetBoom Playlist. Urbanistic as part of GODSENT. From March 27 to 28, the Swedish player placed bets on matches, including those involving his team, which eventually resulted in his team's defeat. Later, he also made 17 bets on other CS:GO events.

Joel has been suspended from participating in competitions by tournament operators cooperating with ESIC. Meanwhile, the commission noted that other organizers might follow its example. The length of Holmlund's ban is still unknown. In May, he was removed from the GODSENT lineup, and even earlier, for similar actions, from Monte.

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