GeT_RiGhT, F0rest, and Friberg Put Together a Mix For Participation In Open Qualifiers For RMR
15:03, 15.08.2022
A trio of legendary aged Swedish esportsmens has assembled a team to try to qualify for the European RMR.
A trio of legendary aged Swedish esportsmens has assembled a team to try to qualify for the European RMR.
Christopher GeT_RiGhT Alesund added on Twitter that he and his teammates would be broadcasting the qualifiers.
The Legend's Path: The Career of f0rest
Line-up d00m: GeT_RiGhT, f0rest, friberg, Jackinho, Lekr0.
Recall that there will be four open qualifiers for the RMR region of Europe, starting on August 15, 20, 22, and 26.
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