s1mple: Valve did not thank Falcons for reporting a critical smoke bug
s1mple: Valve did not thank Falcons for reporting a critical smoke bug

Before the start of the European RMR, Falcons reported a serious bug in the game related to visibility through smoke grenades to Valve. Despite the developers' prompt response and fixing the issue, the Falcons team was left without official gratitude.

The problem in brief

The discovered bug allowed players with an expanded screen to gain an unfair advantage, as the enemy models were clearly visible through the smoke. This issue had existed for about six months and could potentially affect the outcome of numerous matches, as the bug was not widely known.

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Valve's response

After reporting the bug, Falcons helped Valve fix the issue. The developers promptly fixed the bug before the RMR tournament started, but there was no public announcement about the fix. According to s1mple, the Falcons team did not even receive a thank you for their initiative.

Comments from Falcons and the community

Falcons members expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of official response. In addition, after the bug was fixed, the RMR organizers, Perfect World, only informed the team about the problem in the WhatsApp group, but did not explain how the bug worked. This gave rise to speculation that some teams may have enjoyed unfair advantages before the fix.

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What's next.

This situation has raised a number of questions in the esports community. How promptly should Valve communicate important changes? How can similar situations be avoided in the future to prevent imbalances in the game?


Falcon made an important contribution to the integrity of esports, but went unnoticed by Valve. This story emphasizes how important transparency and communication between organizers, developers, and teams is to preserve the sporting spirit in esports competitions.

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