Reddit users are arguing about the best map pool for CS2: what would the ideal option look like?
Reddit users are arguing about the best map pool for CS2: what would the ideal option look like?

Since the release of Counter-Strike 2, discussions on Reddit have not stopped. The most relevant topic is the question: which map pool to choose for competitive play? Forum users actively express their opinions on the seven best maps that should be included in the main tournament pool.

Only Office?

One of the users under the nickname Dangerous_Trifle620 jokingly suggested: “Only Office”, meaning that this card is too chaotic for professional play but brings a lot of emotions to ordinary players. “That's the right answer,” another player under the nickname BigSneeez0021 supported him, collecting a lot of positive feedback.

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Classics - Cobblestone and Tuscan

Many users miss the good old maps. “I really miss Tuscan,” wrote user lkornz, receiving support from TheeFiction: “It was a crazy map.” Another user, mrsteeleggs, compiled a list of classic maps: “Tuscan, Cobble, Cache, Agency”. His position met with support, especially among those who played previous versions of the game.


Suggestions for the updated pool

User GoGOD_ suggested his ideal map pool for CS2: “Anubis, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Train, Cache, and Cobble”. Some commenters were unhappy that he included Mirage in his list. One of them noted: “If you remove Mirage and add Overpass, I would agree.

Another user, Lo0se03, expressed his desire to bring back Cache: “Cache will bring back the dynamics and variety to the game,” he wrote, urging developers to include this card in the new pool.

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Changes and experiments with new cards

Discussions about maps are not limited to the classic variants. Many players want to see new maps, but keep the balance between classic and modern. Friendly_Cheek_4468 suggested expanding the pool to 9 cards: “Train, Cache, Cobble, Anubis, Mirage, Nuke, Inferno, Dust2. Remove Vertigo and Overpass, and we'll have a perfect pool,” he wrote.


The discussion on which maps should be in the CS2 competitive map pool remains open. At the same time, users continue to discuss the advantages of classic maps and the possibility of introducing new variants to diversify the gameplay. Time will tell what Valve will decide, but players have already clearly outlined their preferences.

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