CS2 Calibration Guide: How to Boost Your Rating
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  • 10:07, 11.07.2024

CS2 Calibration Guide: How to Boost Your Rating

In Counter-Strike 2, the developers have updated the "Premier" mode and introduced the CS Rating. In this article, we will explore how calibration works in CS2 and how to achieve the highest rating.

What is CS2 Calibration and Why is it Necessary

Calibration is the process that determines a player's rating. To successfully complete calibration, you need to win 10 matches in "Premier" mode. Upon completing this process, the player receives an ELO rating. Calibration is required for all newcomers who want to play in "Premier" mode, for those who have not played for some time, as well as experienced players at the start of each gaming season.


How to Complete CS2 Calibration

The calibration process in CS2 is very straightforward. To get your rating, you need to win 10 matches in "Premier" mode. Each match played affects your final rating. You can roughly estimate your rating by looking at the ratings of your teammates and opponents if they have already completed calibration. The number of matches played to complete calibration is displayed in the "Premier" mode window.


After winning 10 matches in "Premier" mode, your account will be assigned an ELO rating that can range from 0 to 20,000 and beyond. Read on to learn how to achieve the maximum rating.

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How to Achieve the Maximum Rating in CS2 After Calibration

Valve does not disclose the formula for calculating the CS2 rating, so our tips are based on the experiences of players who have already completed calibration.

  • Avoid Losses: Losses have the most negative impact on your rating, so take the games seriously.
  • Play in a Team: Groups of two or more players usually achieve a higher rating than solo players due to better communication. If you don't have friends online, use in-game voice chat.
  • Show High-Level Play: The final ELO depends not only on wins and losses but also on your individual performance, the statistics of your teammates and opponents, and their ratings.

Recalibration of CS2 Accounts

As of the time of publication, CS2 operates on a seasonal rating system, which means that at the beginning of each season, all players' ratings are reset. During this period, players need to recalibrate by winning 10 matches in "Premier" mode. After this, your rating will be recalculated.

During recalibration, players can increase or decrease their previous rating depending on the outcomes of the matches. The final score will be calculated based on your previous rating.

If you have not played for a long time, your rating will also be reset. To regain it, you will need to win one match in "Premier" mode.

Comparison of CS:GO Ranks and CS2 Rating

With the introduction of the new rating system with ELO points, users have asked: "What CS2 ELO score corresponds to my CS:GO rank?" By examining the table below, you can find the answer to this question.


The CS Rating is a new feature for Valve's shooter that immediately attracted the attention of all players, from beginners to professionals, striving to complete calibration and achieve the desired ELO rating.

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