Cheaters are already making full use of the radar hack in CS2
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  • 20:08, 11.10.2023

Cheaters are already making full use of the radar hack in CS2

Today, a Reddit user showed how his opponent used a radar hack.

A radar hack is a type of cheat that allows a player to see information about the location of enemies on the in-game minimap, even if that information is supposed to be hidden.

Normally, in CS2, players only see enemies that they see directly on the screen or hear through sound. However, the radar hack changes this dynamic by allowing the player to see the positions of enemies on the minimap, even if they are behind walls or in another part of the map where they cannot be seen directly.

It is noteworthy that this user match was held in Premier mode, which means that Valve's servers were used to receive the data. This fact already tells us two things:

  • Radar hack for CS2 is already written and working properly 
  • Now the radar hack is available not only for 322 players, but also for ordinary players in Premier mode.
First this guy kills the entire team through smoke. Then he starts sending a link in the chat. After clicking on the link, I was shown a real-time map where I can see our team's positions (with a 1 or 2 second delay). Is there any way to contact Valve so maybe they can take some action on this?

At the moment Premier mode in CS2 has a huge potential, which can even kill third-party sites like Faceit, but until Valve will not make a normal anti-cheat — Premier mode will be a breeding ground for cheaters and playing there will be just pointless. And player rating in this mode will not play any role.

Recall that the game developers consider the game ready for the big cybersport and already on September 27 made the official release of CS2, thus ending the era of CS:GO!

The first tournament on CS:Strike 2 will start already on October 16, 2023, under the name — Intel Extreme Masters Sydney 2023!

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