cadiaN on the move to Astralis - "I'm just so damn hungry to win"
cadiaN on the move to Astralis - "I'm just so damn hungry to win"

On September 17, the Counter-Strike world was shaken by unexpected news - cadiaN, the former leader of HEROIC, became the new captain of Astralis. This event aroused great interest among fans, because cadiaN was one of the main rivals of the Danish organization for many years. His transition has become especially curious amidst his past disagreements with some players, now his new teammates.

The move is interesting because it raises a few questions: how will cadiaN work out on a team with players he has recently experienced conflict with? And most importantly, will he be able to lead Astralis to new heights, leaving behind the tumultuous history of HEROIC?

The story of HEROIC's conflict and disintegration

There is a lot of discussion surrounding cadiaN's move to Astralis due to his past. In HEROIC he faced an internal conflict: the players, stavn and jabbi, opposed him, which led to an ultimatum - either cadiaN or them. As a result, the captain ended up on the bench, and after a while stavn and jabbi themselves left HEROIC and joined Astralis. These events heightened interest in the new stage of cadiaN's career as he returns to the same team as his former opponents.

Interview with cadiaN

Astralis published an interview with cadiaN where he answered the most pressing questions, including about reuniting with former HEROIC teammates. The captain stated that the main motivation behind his transition was an overwhelming desire to win, “I just damn well want to win and this is my best chance to win. That's why I'm here.” Despite past conflicts, all issues within the team have been discussed and he is confident in the players' ability to work together for the good of the team, “We've talked and we know how good we can be for each other as a team and that's also the reason why we want to reunite.”

In addition, cadiaN talked about his new role on the team. He will play less with the AWP and focus more on the rifle and coordination, “A lot of people know me for my ability to clutch with the AWP, but now there will be less of those moments. I will work more for the good of the team by utilizing my leadership skills.”

Astralis defeated FaZe in the third place match at PGL Cluj-Napoca 2025
Astralis defeated FaZe in the third place match at PGL Cluj-Napoca 2025   


cadiaN's move to Astralis opens a new chapter in his career and in the history of the team itself. A reunion with former rivals, a revitalized role in the game and a drive to win make this an important event for the entire Counter-Strike scene. How the team's new strategy will pan out and whether they will be able to regain their former glory are questions that concern many fans.

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