BLAST have announced their tournament schedule for 2024

BLAST have announced their tournament schedule for 2024

Today, the tournament operator BLAST has published the schedule of its championships for 2024 on its official websites. The tournament operator announced this on its official social media.

In total, BLAST plans to hold 9 championships and play $3,900,000 in prize money. This will be the last season of BLAST in the system with partner teams. In 2025, Valve will ban franchise leagues.

As a result, the schedule for 2024 looks like this:

  • BLAST Spring Groups 2024 - 22-28 January
  • BLAST Spring Showdown 2024 - 6-10 March
  • BLAST Spring Final 2024 - 12-16 June
  • BLAST Fall Groups 2024 - 26 July - 4 August
  • BLAST Fall Showdown 2024 - 21-25 August
  • BLAST Fall Final 2024 - 25-29 September
  • BLAST World Final 2024 - 13-17 November

However, in 2023, there is one more championship from BLAST - BLAST Premier: World Final 2023, which will be held from December 12 to 17, 2023. A total of 8 teams will compete for a prize pool of $1,000,000. The championship will be held in LAN format in Saudi Arabia.

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