Five Bugs On Anubis That Need to Be Fixed Soon

Five Bugs On Anubis That Need to Be Fixed Soon

It's time for the developers to prepare and fix the bugs.

The Anubis map, which was added to the competitive map pool yesterday, naturally became more interesting for esportsmen and ordinary players. In less than a day, they found bugs, some of which were somewhat absurd.

Windows on the bombsite A got invisible obstacles that can spoil grenade throws.

The passage between the bombsite B and the banana has a similar problem and can easily spoil a flash grenade or Molotov cocktail throw, and the invisible walls on the bridge or near pillars can't be shot with AWP.

We doubt that the map's authors intended to leave the several meters wide wallbang from the T-spawn on the ruins.

We hope that all the above and not yet-found bugs will be fixed by the time the map is widely used in tournaments, especially before the start of the major in Paris.

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