Valorant Remake System: How to Initiate and Requirements
  • Guides

  • 11:43, 25.03.2024

Valorant Remake System: How to Initiate and Requirements

In competitive online shooters, an important aspect is a fair game where both teams have an equal number of players, and Valorant is no exception. There are instances when your teammate leaves the match for various reasons, like a power outage or not being in the mood for the match. But what if your comrade leaves, and you are left in the minority? For this, the developers at Riot Games created the Remake system, which we will tell you about today. The Bo3 editorial team has created instructions for you, where you will learn everything about the remake system, how to initiate it, and what restrictions prevent its use.

What is a remake?

As experience shows, many players in Valorant aren't even aware of the restart system, so let's first explain what it is. A remake is an in-game system that allows a team, where one of the members encountered technical issues, to avoid continuing the match. Simply put, if you start a match and your teammate leaves, you have a chance not to continue playing four against five, but to restart the match using the remake system. Despite its introduction in 2020 with patch 1.07, the system remains very difficult to implement to this day, and the gaming community constantly addresses the developers with requests to revise the remake system.

How to use the remake system?

If you find yourself in the situation described above, where your teammate decides to leave the match for one reason or another, it's time to use the remake. For this, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  • Open the in-game chat (whether it's general or team chat)
  • Type the phrase /remake
  • After this, the remaining four participants must vote for the remake

If all teammates vote for the remake, your match will be terminated, and you and your teammates will not waste time playing in the minority, nor will you lose rank points if the game was in the ranking. Interestingly, the player who left the match and caused the remake will be penalized for leaving, losing ranking points and receiving a penalty for quitting.

Requirements for a remake

Although at first glance it seems very easy to execute a remake, in reality, it is not. Certain conditions, which are usually complicated, are necessary to restart the match. First and foremost, voting for a remake cannot start before the second round, giving a chance for the player who left the match to reconnect. The next, and usually the most difficult condition, is that the player who left the match should not have played any round. This means that if your teammate played poorly in the first round and decided to disconnect due to negative emotions, you can't proceed with a remake. Also, you can't initiate the voting after the fourth round, so we advise not to test your strength in an uneven game, but to initiate a remake immediately. Another requirement is that the player who left the match should not be in your group, meaning if you play in a group of five members, you also won't be able to execute a remake. The last thing to know about remaking is that the team only has one chance to vote. That is, if one of the players accidentally refuses, you will not be able to start a new vote.


Community attitude towards the remake system

As we wrote earlier, the match cancellation option was added a few years ago, but it still remains unfinished and usually causes dissatisfaction within the Valorant community. The first and main complaint is the necessity for all votes to conduct a remake. The fact is that sometimes trolls appear in the game, who enjoy hindering others' gameplay. Such people usually refuse to vote for the remake, which results in the game continuing. The Valorant community is asking the developers to change the number of required votes from four to a majority. That is, if three players vote for it, the match should be cancelled. Players also asked to improve the system and add a feature for finding new players. It should work as follows: if your partner leaves the match, you start a vote with two options. The first is to do a remake, and the second is to start looking for a new player to replace the one who left. Despite all the requests, the developers at Riot Games remain deaf to the community for now. So we can only wait and hope that the situation will change in the future.

Now, after reading this guide, you know everything about the remake system. So, if you find yourself in a situation where your teammate leaves the match and you don't want to waste time and lose important ranking points, start voting for a remake, but make sure first that other players support it.

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