League of Legends player reporting guide
League of Legends player reporting guide

Although League of Legends brings out the best in people due to its competitive nature, there are players that take it a step too far. Whether that be verbally abusing a teammate, or intentionally feeding a game, action must be taken to ensure these players are kept off the rift. Follow this guide if you want to know the various ways to report a player in League of Legends.

Reporting a player in League of Legends is a serious matter and should only be done if there is a legitimate case for a report. Occasionally, you'll have a bad game, and that's absolutely okay, but you'll have players say they're reporting you. This is a complete waste of time as you won't be banned and that player who reported you will only be making Riot Games's job that much harder because they are dealing with thousands of false reports daily.

There are several reasons you can report a player in LoL:

Negative Attitude
When you're griefing your team, giving up and not trying to win the game
Verbal Abuse
This is where you're harrassing your teammates, potentially with offensive language. Spam pinging. Using threats against your teammates or the enemy team, and using other disruptive communication to harm a player.
Leaving the game/AFK
When a player purposely AFK's in the base or leaves the game entirely, putting the team at a disadvantage.
Intentional feeding
Sabotaging the game by assisting the opposing team.
Hate speech
Discrimination based on identity, disability, race, etc.
Using third party programs to cheat, i.e scripting.
Offsensive or innapropriate name
A players name containing hate speech, profanity, or other offensive language.

Reporting a player in League of Legends

There are a variety of ways to report a player in League of Legends, but let's first focus on the method that has been in the game for many years and that's reporting a player in the post-match lobby. When you've finished the screen where you can honor a teammate, and most recently an opponent, you'll be greeted by the scoreboard where you'll be able to see your KDA, how much damage you did, etc. Another thing you can do on the page is report a player. Here's how to report a player after a game in LoL:

In the post-game lobby, right-click on the player you wish to report. A small drop-down menu will appear, and one of those buttons will be "report". A pop-up menu will then appear with the various reasons you can report a player for as listed in the table above. Players have the option of reporting for as many reasons as they wish, but bare in mind the claim will only be taken seriously if the player being reported has actually done one of the things listed.

Screenshot by bo3.gg<br>
Screenshot by bo3.gg

Additionally, players can report a player during a League of Legends game. This is a newer feature that Riot Games has added. To do so, bring up the scoreboard by pressing tab, click the exclamation mark and it will bring up a report screen, select the reasons you're reporting this player, and click send.

Finally, the last way you can report a player in League of Legends is by submitting a ticket to the Riot Games website. Here's how you can report a player to Riot:

  1. Head on over to the LoL submit a ticket page
  2. In the drop down menu select report a player
  3. Select your platform
  4. Select League of Legends as the game
  5. Write down the name of the player you're reporting
  6. Select the subject i.e the type of report you're looking for
  7. Writer a detailed description of what happened
  8. Provide any attachments such as screenshots or recordings
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Reporting a player in LoL FAQ

When should I report a player to Riot Games in League of Legends?

Players should only report a player when they believe they have a legitimate reason to report a player. For example, having a terrible player who is still trying to win is not a reason to report someone for intentional feeding. It's not only wasting your team but is wasting Riot's too. From hate speech to harassment to leaving the game, only submit a report if you feel a player has violated the guidelines of League of Legends. 

Can I appeal a false ban against me?

The short answer is yes, but it's unlikely a ban will be overturned. There are rare cases where Riot has incorrectly banned a player, but your account will be reviewed prior to banning, meaning a likely pattern and mass reporting are the reasons you are banned. If you have been falsely reported but have done nothing wrong, I wouldn't concern yourself with it. Having a bad game will likely get you reported, but showing good behavior and a will to win counteracts the false bans.

Does reporting standards in other modes vary from traditional LoL?

No, if you're breaking the guidelines in ARAM, you will be banned. Just because it's not on the traditional summoners rift mode, doesn't mean you now have the option to harass, grief, or threaten teammates.

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