Kayn Build Guide: Best Jungle, Red, and Blue Builds for S14

Kayn Build Guide: Best Jungle, Red, and Blue Builds for S14

Kayn, the Shadow Reaper, is a unique and versatile champion known for his ability to transform into two distinct forms: Red Kayn (Rhaast), a bruiser focused on sustain, and Blue Kayn (Shadow Assassin), an assassin specializing in burst damage. This Kayn guide will explore the best Kayn jungle build, runes, and strategies, as well as how to dominate in Season 14.


Kayn’s Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Two transformation options for adapting to the game: Red Kayn build for sustained fights and Blue build for quick assassination.
  • Excellent jungle clear speed and high mobility through Kayn abilities, particularly his E (Shadow Step).
  • Effective ganker due to his ability to pass through terrain, allowing for surprise attacks.


  • Weak early game before transformation.
  • Kayn counters include champions with high crowd control that can prevent him from escaping or initiating fights.
  • Requires careful decision-making to choose between Red and Blue forms depending on the enemy team composition.

Runes for Kayn

Kayn jungle runes play a key role in maximizing his effectiveness throughout the game. There are two primary rune setups based on whether you’re playing Blue Kayn or Red Kayn.

Primary Rune Tree: Domination (Blue Kayn)

  • Dark Harvest: Great for Blue Kayn, as it enhances his burst damage during ganks and skirmishes.

Primary Rune Tree: Precision (Red Kayn)

  • Conqueror: Ideal for Red build, offering healing and additional AD in extended fights, especially with his sustain-focused playstyle.

Alternative Rune Choice

  • First Strike Kayn: This rune provides bonus gold and damage for quick trades, particularly useful in Blue build when looking for fast bursts in Kayn jg runes.

Kayn’s Abilities and Skill Order

Understanding abilities is essential to mastering him, as each form offers unique benefits in combat.

  • Passive – The Darkin Scythe: Kayn collects orbs by damaging enemies, transforming into either Rhaast or Shadow Assassin. This passive defines his dual identity, allowing him to adapt to the match.
  • Q – Reaping Slash: Max this ability first for quick wave and jungle camp clears, as well as burst damage in fights.
  • W – Blade’s Reach: Provides crowd control and high poke potential. In Blue Kayn, this ability becomes even deadlier with an extended range.
  • E – Shadow Step: Grants the ability to pass through walls, making Kayn one of the most mobile champions in the game.
  • R – Umbral Trespass: Allows Kayn to hide within an enemy champion, dealing massive damage upon re-emerging. This is crucial for both engaging and escaping dangerous situations.

Best Kayn Build for Season 14

There are multiple viable lol Kayn build paths depending on your transformation, but the core items remain consistent for each form.

Red Build (Rhaast)


Core Items:

  1. Sterak’s Gage: Further enhances his survivability in long team fights.
  2. Death’s Dance: Gives lifesteal and a damage buffer, making Red Kayn difficult to kill.

Blue Build (Shadow Assassin)


Core Items:

  1. Eclipse: The perfect item for Red Kayn, but always you can see it in Blue Kayn too, because right now it is too OP offering burst damage
  2. The Collector: Amplifies his execute potential, allowing him to finish off low-health targets quickly.
  3. Edge of Night: Provides a spell shield to avoid crowd control, crucial for Blue Kayn’s survivability during burst trades.

Lane Phase Strategies

Jungle Build

Kayn excels as a jungler due to his fast clear speed and ability to gank lanes efficiently using E (Shadow Step). Focus on farming until you’ve collected enough orbs to transform into either Red Kayn or Blue Kayn, depending on the enemy team composition.

Top Lane and Mid Lane Kayn

While Kayn top build and Kayn mid are not his primary roles, they can work in certain matchups. Kayn top build often focuses on sustain and durability, while mid may lean towards burst damage, making use of Blue Kayn’s assassin playstyle.

Countering Kayn and Who Counters Him

Kayn can be hard to deal with due to his mobility and transformation flexibility. However, champions with crowd control or those who can force him into early skirmishes before he’s transformed can disrupt his game plan.


  • Trundle: His ultimate steals Kayn’s resistances, making him easy to burst down in extended fights.
  • Morgana: With her Black Shield and snare, Morgana can nullify Kayn’s ability to engage effectively.
  • Lee Sin: High early-game pressure can shut Kayn down before his transformation, delaying his power spikes.

Best Supports and Allies for Kayn

When it comes to synergy, jungle build works well with champions that can follow up on his ganks or provide crowd control to set up kills. Champions like Thresh, Leona, and Alistar are great allies for Kayn, as they can lock down enemies long enough for him to engage or burst them down.


Tips and Tricks for Mastering Kayn

  1. Choose your transformation wisely: In most games, you’ll want to adapt based on the enemy team. Opt for Red Kayn when you need sustain and tankiness, or Blue Kayn for quick burst assassination.
  2. Use E (Shadow Step) for map control: This ability allows you to gank from unexpected angles or escape through walls.
  3. Maximize your passive: To transform quickly, focus on harassing melee champions for Red Kayn or ranged champions for Blue Kayn.


Kayn’s dual identity makes him one of the most flexible and exciting champions in League of Legends. Whether you’re playing as Red Kayn or Blue Kayn, mastering his abilities and choosing the right build for the situation is key to dominating the game. Practice makes perfect, and with the right timing and decision-making, you can become an unstoppable force in Season 14 with the best kayn build suited to your playstyle.

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