If you're looking for a champion that is fun to play at all stages of the game, then we highly recommend choosing Kai'Sa as your ADC of choice in League of Legends. She is great at long-range poke, assassinating the enemy backline, and is a solid laner. But of course, every great ADC needs a solid support. Let's take a look at the best supports for Kai'Sa in League of Legends.
The best set-up support for Kai'Sa

If you're wondering who is the best support for Kai'Sa, then look no further than Nautilus. For Kai'Sa to be fully utilized to the best of their abilities, they need champions that can set her ultimate up. Kai'Sa can only dash to an enemy champion if they are marked by the passive. To unlock this passive, you need to either damage them yourselves, or the enemy champion be impacted by your teams crowd control.
The Kai'Sa support synergy with Nautilus is some of the best around if you're looking for excellent bottom-lane combos. Nautilus's kit has hard crowd control in abundance, with his auto attack rooting the enemy in place, his Q which has an obnoxiously large hitbox range, and finally, his ultimate which knocks enemies into the air. This means that Nautilus if in range can ult the enemy ADC that is hiding in the backline, and then Kai'Sa can follow up with their ultimate. This is why Nautilus is the best support for Kai'Sa 2025.
If you're looking for the best Nautilus build, let's take a look:
Nautilus League of Legends build
- Celestial Opposition
- Mercury's Treads
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Knight's Vow (Optional)
- Thornmail (Optional)
- Kaenic Rookern (Optional)
- Frozen Heart (Optional)

Nautilus League of Legends Runes
- Aftershock
- Shield Bash
- Second Wind
- Unflinching
- Hextech Flashtraption
- Cosmic Insight
But what about alternatives?
You've been given the best support for Kai'Sa in League of Legends, but what about the good supports for Kai'Sa? The champions that are still good to play with alongside Kai'Sa, but not the optimal choice. Let's take a look:
Thresh is another hook champion who is great at setting up Kai'Sa. If Kai'Sa can land her W, she will do a lot of damage to the enemy ADC if she is able to do follow-up damage with her Q. This is where Thresh comes in handy because if he can land a look, Kai'Sa can then pop her W and put the enemy ADC to within killing range.

If hook champions are not your style, then let's take a look at poking them out of lane with Karma. Karma is an excellent alternative to the Thresh and Nautilus's of this world. She provides a lot of shielding and movement speed to Kai'Sa which synergizes well with Kai'Sa's E which provides movement speed and attack speed. On top of that, her Mantra + Q combo will do some serious damage to the enemy bottom lane. This combined with Kai'Sa's W will tilt the best bottom lanes out of the game.
There are several ways to get the most out of Kai'Sa, it just depends which build they want to go with. If they are looking for a more teamfight oriented build, then go with an engage champion that is going to set them up for success with hard crowd control. If you're looking for utility to help Kai'Sa win the poking war, then go with a mage that will pose just as much a threat.
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