Yeah, switching to left-hand helped me on maps like Inferno too, where you gotta constantly check tight corners. I couldn’t imagine going back to right-hand now, it feels so weird.
Yeah, Omen’s backstory is super vague on purpose, I think. Riot’s keeping it mysterious, probably dropping hints over time. Who knows what we’ll find out later.
I totally feel your pain! Mac support for games is always lagging behind. But Boot Camp might be your best option for now if you really want to try out Deadlock. Hopefully, Valve will make Mac compatibility happen soon!
Aim Botz is a must-have if you’re serious about improving your aim in CS2. All the top players, like s1mple, train on this map. You can tweak the bots, choose any weapon—it's perfect for aim practice. If you spend at least 30 minutes a day on it, you’ll start hitting headshots like a pro.
I get your point about selling cases to avoid the risk, but opening cases like Wildfire or Chroma can still be worth it if you hit the jackpot. Plus, having a full collection of rare skins is pretty cool too.
VP prices in different regions are wild! They're not the cheapest where I’m at, but I still love collecting skins. How are the prices in your region? What do you guys think?
It’s pretty simple: MMR is the hidden system that decides who you get matched against. If your team wins, you’ll still gain RR, even if you didn’t perform the best. But if you consistently play well, you’ll be moved up to tougher lobbies faster.
rimmi rimmi
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