Best Support Duo for Smolder in League of Legends
Best Support Duo for Smolder in League of Legends

Smolder is one of the more unique ADC champions in League of Legends. He is a champion that heavily relies on his passive to carry him throughout all stages of the game. If you're not stacking your passive, then Smolder is one of the weaker champions on the rift as he is not able to put out reliable damage even with his ranged advantage. 

Smolder needs a lot of setup, as you can't rely too much on the enemy champions running into you for free kills. This is why you need a support that is going to not only keep you in the fight with heals and shields, but you're going to need someone who can lockdown the enemy so Smolder can continue to stack his passive.

Here is the best support for Smolder to duo with in League of Legends.

Duo with Nami for a free win

Image via Riot Games
Image via Riot Games

If you're looking for one of the best Smolder duos, look no further than Nami. Her Smolder synergy will be through the roof. She can lock enemy champions up, allowing Smolder to use his abilities to continue to stack up his passive. She also empowers auto-attacks, which will make Smolder that much more frightening on Summoners Rift. 

On top of that, the ultimate combination is truly terrifying both from a visual standpoint and a reality standpoint too. Seeing a gush of fire along with a tidal wave is enough to make any player close down their machine in fear. Smolder support synergy is the key to success on the champion, he needs a good setup as it takes a while for him to fully come online. Item spikes are around the one-to-two item mark on Smolder, so it's unlikely you're going to get a kill on him before that unless you get extremely lucky. 

During the laning phase, Nami can manipulate where the enemies can go, because they will constantly be in fear of her bubble. This allows Smolder to use either his Q or his Q, which both stacks Smolders passive, which in the late game becomes his own Elder Dragon buff for free. His W has a large radius, which is why as Nami you're going to want to be aggressive and force them into movement patterns that can make it easy for Smolder to land his abilities.

This is why Nami is one of the best supports for Smolder. In the early game, she can keep him topped up with heals and shields. But come the later portions of the game, she is able to help Smolder take over Summoners Rift, running through anyone in their sight. If you need a great disengage tool, then Nami is the optimal champion. Her bubble can stop Smolder from getting caught, while also being an excellent engage tool. She's just an overall great champion that can enable ADC's to be the late game carries they need to be. 

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