Valve released an update for Dota 2, fixing more than 15 bugs before the release of patch 7.38b. The fixes addressed hero mechanics, the Ability Draft mode, and courier functionality. Visual effects were also adjusted, and in-game notifications were updated. The patch notes were published on the game's official website.
Full list of changes:
- Fixed a bug where Clinkz's Burning Army skeletons could automatically use Tar Bomb.
- Fixed a bug where enemies could see the effects of Hidden Reach on Templar Assassin.
- Adjusted Sven's level 10 talent, which gives +10% damage from Vanquisher.
- Fixed a bug in Ability Draft where the loading screen would freeze during the draft if there were fewer than ten players in the lobby.
- Fixed a bug where the Precision Aura effect on Drow Ranger's illusions would override the hero's own agility bonus.
- Fixed a bug where the threshold bar for Ice Blast's shatter effect would flicker when clicking on a hero.
- Fixed bugs where Devour in Ability Draft would disappear after the first use or provide a permanent aura after consuming a neutral creep.
- Fixed a bug where Roshan's respawn timer would display incorrectly when Templar Assassin was on the team.
- Fixed a bug where the courier would not pick up items marked for sale if it was not at the fountain when summoned.
- Fixed a bug where the courier would return items marked for sale if they were already in its inventory when delivering other artifacts.
- Updated notifications for Alt-clicking on Roshan's timer and the madstone counter to match other similar automated messages.
- Fixed a bug where Silencer's Last Word effect would not trigger on Drow Ranger with the Sidestep aspect after completing Multishot.
- Fixed a bug where using Viper's Nosedive by any other hero would cause issues with those characters' models.
- Fixed a bug where Jakiro's Liquid Fire did not work in Ability Draft.
- Fixed a bug where spell lifesteal amplification from Kaya and items created with this artifact did not work.
Patch 7.38b was released on March 4. It nerfed Dazzle and Dragon Knight, reduced the gold allies receive for killing Tormentor, and slightly altered landscape elements. The full list of changes can be found via this link.
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