How PGL tried to cover up a typo on merch
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  • 17:28, 19.09.2024

How PGL tried to cover up a typo on merch

A recent incident with The International 2024 has sharpened the focus on the tournament organizers. PGL organizers made a funny mistake in spelling the name of the city on the merchandise, which caused a lot of noise in the community. The error is that the products were spelled with the wrong version of the city name Copenhagen with a double “P”. This raises questions, especially since an attempt to cover up the error led to an even bigger scandal.

The background to the error

“The International” 2024 was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. PGL, the tournament's organizer, released merch with the city's name on it, but the apparel said “Coppengagen” instead of the correct “Copenhagen.” The typo became noticeable and caused ridicule among fans.


The gist of the news and an attempt to cover up the error

After the error was discovered, one of the organizers tried to correct the situation in an undetected way. An attempt to edit the Wikipedia page about Copenhagen to add a double “P” to the name was discovered. This attempt was detected and the IP address from which the edit was made turned out to be registered to PGL Esports. By referencing the source and verifying the IP, it can be seen that the edit on Wikipedia was indeed made from an address associated with PGL.

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Importance of the incident

This incident highlights not only the level of organization of large events, but also the methods used to deal with problems. The merch error and the attempt to cover it up by editing Wikipedia was a great example of how such situations should not be handled. Mistakes at large-scale events like TI create additional discussion and ridicule, which only underscores the importance of attention to detail and transparency in the work of organizers.

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