Heroes who led players to victory at all of The International
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  • 18:16, 19.09.2024

Heroes who led players to victory at all of The International

The International is not just a tournament, it's the epicenter of the biggest events in the world of Dota 2. Every team that raises Aegis leaves its mark on the history of cybersport. Which heroes and players brought victory on the world's biggest stages, and why were their choices key to triumph?

A history of TI's winning lineups

TI1 (2011): The first champions of The International, Natus Vincere (Na`Vi), became legends, winning with players such as Dendi, XBOCT, ArtStyle, LightofHeaven and Puppey. Hero selections included Beastmaster, Puck, Slardar, Weaver and Chen, which was the key to success and the team won $1,000,000 USD.

TI2 (2012): Invictus Gaming emerged victorious with the lineup of Chuan, YYF, Ferrari_430, Faith and Zhou. Their final game was memorable for their choice of heroes Naga Siren, Dark Seer, Templar Assassin, Tidehunter and Keeper of the Light. The team won $1,000,000 USD.

TI3 (2013): Alliance with s4, Loda, Akke, AdmiralBulldog and EGM players showed phenomenal strategies with Nature's Prophet, Io, Puck, Chaos Knight and Crystal Maiden, cementing their place in history and winning $1,437,190 USD.

TI4 (2014): Newbee won the title with the help of Mu, Hao, Banana, xiao8 and SanSheng. The heroes Rubick, Brewmaster, Shadow Shaman, Ember Spirit and Doom led them to victory. They received $5,025,029 USD.

TI5 (2015): Evil Geniuses with SumaiL, Fear, Aui_2000, Aui_2000, UNiVeRsE and ppd showed strength with heroes Earthshaker, Gyrocopter, Naga Siren, Ancient Apparition and Storm Spirit, capturing Aegis and winning $6,634,661 USD.

TI6 (2016): Wings Gaming with Shadow, bLink, Faith_bian, Faith_bian, y` and iceice picked Anti-Mage, Axe, Elder Titan, Batrider and Keeper of the Light for their final win. The team earned $9,139,002 USD.

TI7 (2017): Team Liquid with Miracle-, MATUMBAMAN, MinD_ContRoL, GH and KuroKy performed brilliantly against Dark Seer, Juggernaut, Earthshaker, Lich and Necrophos to earn $10,862,683 USD.

TI8 (2018): OG with ana, Topson, Ceb, JerAx and N0tail won for the first time with Ember Spirit, Magnus, Rubick, Zeus and Nature's Prophet heroes. Their prize amounted to $11,234,158 USD.

Source: threads
Source: threads

TI9 (2019): OG repeated their success with ana, Topson, Ceb, JerAx and N0tail picking Io, Gyrocopter, Tiny, Abaddon and Timbersaw. The win brought in $15,620,181 USD.

TI10 (2021): Team Spirit with Yatoro, TORONTOTOKYO, Collapse, Mira and Miposhka brought Russia the win, picking Magnus, Winter Wyvern, Terrorblade, Bane and Ember Spirit. The team won $18,208,300 USD.

TI11 (2022): Tundra Esports with skiter, Nine, 33, Saksa and Sneyking won with Medusa, Beastmaster, Pangolier, Tiny and Mirana. They received $8,518,822 USD.

TI12 (2023): Team Spirit returned to the top with Yatoro, Larl, Collapse, Mira and Miposhka winning with Chaos Knight, Grimstroke, Dazzle, Spirit Breaker and Tusk. Their prize totaled $1,521,362.

TI13 (2024): Team Liquid with Insania, Boxi, 33, Nisha and miCKe were the new champions, picking Clockwerk, Visage, Puck, Nature's Prophet and Dark Willow. They earned $1,170,965 USD.

Source: threads
Source: threads

Tactical innovations and their impact

Every season of The International brings new ideas and strategic approaches that become standards in the professional game. Winning heroes and tactics affect the overall meta, inspiring teams to create unique strategies and improve their skills. These innovations not only change the dynamics of tournaments, but also impact the daily game for millions of fans around the world.

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The International's Winning Strategies

Winning lineups and heroes at The International not only determine the outcome of the tournament, but also change the entire cybersports world. These selections often become a source of inspiration for millions of players, and the tactics developed by the champions influence the development of the game for years.

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