A fan of The International traveled 18,000 kilometers on a scooter

A fan of The International traveled 18,000 kilometers on a scooter

A Dota 2 fan surprised the community by traveling more than 18,000 kilometers on a scooter to get to the main tournament of the year - The International. But what made him embark on this long and dangerous journey?   

Extreme conditions and passion for the game

The fan crossed deserts, mountain peaks, and was even robbed on an Iranian road. Despite all the hardships, his goal to attend The International has not faded. The feat is admirable, as dedication to cybersport events rarely comes with this level of dedication.   


Trip details and comparison with pashaBiceps

On his Honda Super Cup scooter, which travels at only 60 km/h, he started from Denmark, traveled through Iran, Kazakhstan and Russia. This feat is reminiscent of famous player pashaBiceps' bike ride to a CS major.Like pasha, this fan showed incredible will and love for cyber sports, although his journey was even more extreme. 

Both feats are amazing in their resilience and determination. The Dota 2 fan crossed thousands of kilometers across deserts and mountains on a scooter, while pashaBiceps traveled 1000 km by bike from Warsaw to Copenhagen in 7 days. Both faced challenges along the way, but kept pushing forward, inspired by their love for cybersports. pashaBiceps, like the fan on the scooter, emphasized the importance of community support, showing that sports and cybersports can bring people together and motivate them to accomplish incredible feats.   



Showing how much cybersports unites people around the world. The feats of both this fan and pashaBiceps serve as an example to thousands of players and fans who share the same passion.      

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