Top 10 Dota 2 Heroes for Beginners

Top 10 Dota 2 Heroes for Beginners

As of Patch 7.36, Dota 2 has 124 heroes, each with their own unique abilities and mechanics. This number of characters is really impressive, as it provides a wide range of different possibilities and combinations within the team, as well as creates unique game situations and scenarios, which actually makes the game interesting and unpredictable.

The difficulty of choosing a hero arises not only for players who are already quite experienced and have hundreds, if not thousands of hours behind them, but also for newcomers who are unfamiliar or unfamiliar with Dota 2 and its features. There are many different subtleties in the game that influence the choice of a particular character, but one of the most important is their level of complexity and versatility. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about the 10 best Dota 2 heroes for beginners with a fairly easy entry threshold.

Wraith King

One of the easiest to learn and easiest to control is Wraith King. This is a melee hero who has all the necessary abilities needed for a comfortable game. Wraithfire Blast allows the hero to launch a projectile that stuns the target for a while, slows it down after the effect ends, and deals periodic damage. The Mortal Strike passive provides the hero with up to 300% critical damage with a 2-second cooldown at the last level. With good items, the hero is able to deal insane damage, and fragile heroes will die from WK in a few hits.

His power is complemented by the ability to summon skeletons, Bone Guard, which will allow not only to attack enemies but also to quickly advance the line and farm forest creeps. The hero's ultimate is probably one of the main reasons why Wraith King is a great choice for beginners. The Reincarnation ability will allow the hero to be resurrected with full health and mana in case of death. This way, the player will have a second chance to realize their hero in a massive battle or simply run away if the death was "accidental”. However, reincarnation requires a lot of mana, and against heroes with mana-draining abilities or items, WK doesn't feel too good, but Aghanim Shard can fix this problem.

Wraith King
Wraith King


When it comes to simple ranged heroes, Sniper is the first choice. The semi-passive Take Aim ability and the redesigned innate ability system that made the attack range just right allows the Sniper to attack from long distances without getting close to enemies. By purchasing Dragon Lance and finding suitable neutral objects, this attack range can be further increased, which is great for beginners. The main task will be to choose the right positioning and keep an eye on the map so that the hero is not taken by surprise or taken out of the battle first, as then the hero himself will become an easy target because he has very low mobility.

In addition to the range, the hero can deal additional damage from Headshot and launch shrapnel, which slows down and damages enemies within the radius of the ability. The Sniper's ultimate is quite strong and is mainly used by players to finish off heroes from a long distance if they try to escape or simply to take the frag for themselves. Basically, the hero will have to buy items that deal damage to realize his ranged ability, as well as buy something to save his life and escape if enemies get too close. Hurricane Pike, Blink Dagger, and Shadow Blade can be a great choice for a Sniper.


Ogre Magi

"One head is good, two heads are better” is the best way to describe Ogre Magi. It is a fourth position (support) hero that has good health and armor, which increases its survivability on the line or in combat. Despite the fact that this is a hero whose main attribute is strength, the hero himself is a magician and is very dependent on mana to use his abilities, which are quite simple to use, but very useful in battles. First of all, it is the instant stun from Fireblast, which also deals a lot of damage. Ignite launches combustible reagents at some enemies, which will cause periodic damage to targets and slow them down, and in the best case, even kill them. The third Bloodlust ability gives the selected allied target a bonus to movement speed and attack speed.

But all of Ogre's power is hidden in his passive ultimates, Multicast, which gives his abilities a multiplier chance, meaning they can be triggered two to four times, depending on the level of the ultimates. Moreover, this effect is applied not only to abilities but also to items, which opens up opportunities for interesting builds. In this case, the Hand of Midas item, which turns the selected creep into gold, becomes a very appropriate item for the hero, although not quite necessary. The combination of strong abilities and survivability makes the hero quite a good choice for beginners.

Ogre Magi
Ogre Magi


In order to stand on a difficult line, especially by yourself, you need to have a fairly resilient and resilient hero who can survive even difficult scenarios, and in addition make it unpleasant for the enemy heroes. And Bristleback can be just that. His eponymous ability will reduce incoming damage from the back and sides, which, if played correctly and coordinated, will help you survive in many situations. In addition, his ability releases spikes from the current level of Quill Spray, which stacks with each new charge, increasing the damage to enemies. The recklessness, impudence, and greed of the opposing team's players can cost them their lives in some situations.

The hero also has Nasal Goo, which slows down enemy heroes, and the more charges they are hit with, the more slowing down they have. The use of active abilities directly affects his ultimatum ability Warpath, which increases damage, attack speed, and movement for each charge of the used ability. Collecting a few items that give more armor and health to the hero, which even in the hands of a beginner will make him strong, as Bristleback does not require super complicated control and interaction with abilities.



Another interesting offliner is Abaddon. He has a great ability Aphotic Shield, which allows you to cast an absorption shield on yourself and your allies, increasing your own and your allies' survivability on the line, as well as removing negative effects. The Curse of Avernus passive imposes a slowing effect on enemies and gives the hero additional attack speed and DPS. Mist Coil makes it so that the hero sacrifices a part of his health to heal an ally or deal damage to the enemy. And that's all the basic functionality of the hero is completed. The abilities are not too difficult to understand and use, so you can easily get used to the hero.

But we haven't mentioned his main ability that makes him light and survivable — Borrowed Time. When the hero's health falls below 400, Abaddon gets an effect during which all incoming damage heals the hero, which can be used against enemies that deal instant and critical high damage. with the right items, the hero will be a good tank capable of absorbing and reflecting significant damage from his enemies.


Shadow Shaman

Support heroes are avoided not only by diehard fans of the game, but also by beginners, and all because playing on support is often difficult and boring. But in fact, this is not always the case, and sometimes it is even the opposite, as support heroes are the key to victory at all stages of the game. And a good choice would be Shadow Shaman, which has perhaps the best control abilities in the game. Let's start with the Hex ability, which turns the enemy into a chicken for a while, which takes the enemy hero out of the game while your team attacks him. The next ability is Shackles, which binds the hero for up to 4.2 seconds.

The shaman also has the Ether Shock attack ability, which deals instant damage to multiple targets. The ultimatum ability creates a ring of snakes, each of which deals damage to enemies, and with Aghanim's Sceptre and Shard enhancer, this ability gives new possibilities. With the right combination and timing, Shaman can eliminate a lone target on his own if he doesn't have a high health and armor. It is also worth mentioning the new innate ability that allows you to save your life when the hero has received lethal damage.

Shadow Shaman
Shadow Shaman


Lion, like the Shaman, has interesting control abilities. By themselves, they do not allow you to keep the enemy helpless for a long time, but this is enough to create unpleasant situations for opponents on the line or during mass fights. Lyon also has the Hex ability, which turns the target into a frog. The first ability, Earth Spike, launches a stone underground spike that immobilizes the enemy. Both abilities are good, but they become much better with their respective talents that make them AoE, which allows you to control more enemies.

Mana Drain is an ability that allows Lyon to constantly restore mana at the expense of unfriendly creatures that have this resource. And with Aghanim's Shard, the hero will receive two additional targets from which he can absorb mana and gain resistance to magic. Of course, we should also mention the hero's super ultimate, Finger of Death, which deals a lot of damage to the enemy. If the target is killed in a short time after using this ability, Lyon will receive a stack of additional damage from Finger of Death. On the line, the hero can do quite a bit of dirt to win the line and make several kills in the early stages.



Speaking of the previous two supporters, it's worth mentioning a fairly lightweight carries that will fit in with them, namely Juggernaut. Its abilities allow you to deal good damage throughout the game, especially under the influence of various items and talents. For the hero, the main attribute is agility and attack speed to deliver the best possible DPS, especially during the action of his Omnislash ability, which simply chops down enemies that the hero is riding. All items, effects, and auras work during the ultimates, making the ability powerful and strong.

The Blade Fury ability paired with a good support who has stun will allow you to earn frags in the first minutes of the game, and if the enemy heroes are passive, the line can be called won. If you need to restore your health, Juggernaut can afford it thanks to Healing Ward. However, the hero has rather low mana, and this can be a problem not only on the line but also during the game. Unlike Wraith King, Blade Dance's ability gives the hero slightly less critical damage, but it depends on the trigger chance. The higher the hero's attack speed, the better the character's DPS.



Viper is another ranged hero that can play the role of a mid. Of course, he does not shoot as far as the Sniper, but his stats are also quite good. In addition, this hero offers periodic damage, which he deals to his enemies with essentially all available abilities. For example, the first skill applies the effect of a poisonous attack, which in addition slows the target and reduces magic resistance. Since the effect of the attack can be applied up to five times, you can expect fairly good damage and easy frags.

Corrosive Skin has a similar effect, dealing damage to those who attack the Viper and imposing additional resistance to magic on the hero. Nethertoxin forms a puddle, which again will make it unpleasant for enemies who are in it. The lethal effect is caused by Viper Strike, which, along with other abilities, imposes related effects. Therefore, if the Viper clings to its target, it is unlikely that it will let its target go alive, unless the enemy had allies nearby to save it.


Drow Ranger

Although Drow Ranger does not have toxic effects, she uses frost arrows, which will also make the heroine's opponents uncomfortable. Similar to Viper, Draw Ranger's first ability applies an effect to her shots, which deal additional damage and slow the target. Multishot is a related ability, as the effectiveness of the arrows fired depends on the level of Frost Arrows pumping and releases a barrage of arrows in a cone-shaped pattern. The second ability is mainly used to silence enemies and prevent them from using their abilities, or when you are trying to escape and want to throw enemies a little bit back from you.

The heroine's ultimates with a certain chance allows her to release the best type of arrow, which ignores any effects of the enemy's defense and armor and gives additional damage. The heroine, like a sniper, has low mobility and nothing but Gust will help her in close combat, so having life-saving items that increase her mobility or escape is a must for Drow Ranger. Otherwise, she will be easy to defeat, as she has low survivability, and health and armor items are not very good for her, as they will take up important attack and agility spaces.

Drow Ranger
Drow Ranger


Each of the proposed heroes is good due to their easy control and the use of abilities that do not require complex combinations and interaction with each other. Being a beginner hero doesn't automatically make them very easy or weak to play, it just means they have an easy entry threshold. It should also be understood that each of them has weaknesses that, depending on the set of enemy heroes and items, can offset the full power of the chosen character.

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