Mirana Guide - Dota 2

Mirana Guide - Dota 2

Mirana is a versatile hero in Dota 2, combining high mobility, magical damage, and control abilities. Her skillset allows her to perform various roles on the battlefield, ranging from support to core positions. In 2024, Mirana remains a popular pick, especially due to meta changes noted by professional players at this year's The International.

In this guide, you'll learn about key aspects of playing Mirana, effective builds, strategies, as well as her strengths and weaknesses, which will help you make the most out of this hero during your games.

Dota Dragon's Blood Mirana
Dota Dragon's Blood Mirana

Understanding the Basics of Mirana

Mirana is a ranged hero specializing in enemy control and dealing magical damage. Her main strength lies in her high mobility and ability to support the team through strong stuns, team-wide vision, and quick repositioning during battles. Mirana can effectively adapt to different roles and situations in the game, performing as both a support and a carry, depending on the team's needs.

Strengths of Mirana:

  • High mobility: Thanks to Leap, Mirana has excellent mobility, allowing her to quickly reposition in fights, avoid danger, or chase enemies. This makes her versatile for both initiating and escaping from battles in Dota Mirana strategies.
  • Strong control: Sacred Arrow can stun an enemy for a long time (up to 5 seconds with a precise hit). This is a powerful tool for initiating or supporting team fights.
  • Significant magical damage: Starstorm deals considerable magical damage to both single and multiple targets, making Mirana dangerous at all stages of the game, especially when farming and pushing lanes.
  • Invisibility for the entire team: Her ultimate ability, Moonlight Shadow, grants invisibility to the whole team, offering great tactical potential for initiating fights, retreating, or scouting. This is a key tool in Mirana Dota 2 strategies.
  • Versatility: Mirana can play various roles—support or core—thanks to her abilities. This makes her a flexible choice depending on the team's needs and the meta.

Weaknesses of Mirana:

  • Dependence on accuracy: Sacred Arrow is a strong skill, but its effectiveness relies on landing accurate shots. Missing an arrow causes Mirana to lose a crucial part of her control and potential damage in Dota 2 Mirana Build setups.
  • Vulnerability in close combat: Despite her mobility, Mirana has average health and can easily become a target for high physical damage heroes or close-range initiators if she gets too close to the fight.
  • Low damage without items: Mirana needs the right items to stay effective in a core position. Without essential items like Maelstrom or Aghanim's Scepter, her impact on the game can be limited.
  • High cooldown on her ultimate: Moonlight Shadow has a long cooldown, so it can't be used too often. Strategies based on invisibility can be less reliable due to this limitation.
  • Weak against survival heroes: Mirana struggles against heroes with high health pools or strong regeneration. Her sustained damage may not be enough to deal with tanks or heroes with high magic resistance.

Mirana’s Counters

Hero Stats Table
Hero Disadvantage Win Rate Matches
Mars 2.01% 46.04% 18,783
Puck 1.99% 44.82% 19,954
Chen 1.44% 51.12% 937
Enigma 1.24% 45.03% 7,508
Nyx Assassin 1.06% 42.86% 23,271
Arc Warden 1.03% 41.17% 6,828
Earth Spirit 1.03% 45.37% 7,679
Meepo 0.97% 45.38% 3,193
Keeper of the Light 0.95% 47.91% 4,680
Visage 0.84% 42.57% 5,924

Who Counters Mirana

Hero Stats Table 2
Hero Advantage Win Rate Matches
Troll Warlord 2.56% 47.47% 8,216
Elder Titan 2.37% 47.47% 3,242
Razor 2.31% 46.87% 18,135
Timbersaw 2.25% 47.57% 20,682
Phoenix 2.11% 47.85% 13,374
Death Prophet 2.04% 48.94% 6,246
Warlock 2.02% 41.94% 20,491
Viper 1.82% 47.07% 19,127
Lycan 1.71% 46.54% 4,171
Ancient Apparition 1.67% 44.79% 16,053

Mirana Laning Tips

In the current meta, Mirana Dota 2 is typically played as a carry or offlaner, but due to her versatility, she often appears as a midlaner too. Regardless of the role, Mirana’s main objective is efficient farming, participating in ganks, and utilizing her control and mobility skills.

  • Using Sacred Arrow: Mirana's arrow is one of the most important control tools in the game, but its effective use requires good timing. As a carry or offlaner, Sacred Arrow can be used to initiate trades or secure kills on low-health enemies. As a midlaner, the arrow is a great tool for establishing map control, allowing you to gank other lanes. It works especially well in combination with control from your allies in Mirana Dota 2 build strategies.
  • Farming and lane control: Regardless of the role, Mirana should focus on stable farming. Her ability, Starstorm, allows her to quickly clear creep waves and deal damage to enemies. It’s important to use Starstorm carefully, to avoid pushing the lane too fast, especially if you're playing in the midlane.
  • Survival and evasion: One of Dota Mirana’s greatest advantages is her mobility through Leap. This skill lets you quickly avoid ganks or dangerous situations. As a midlaner or carry, Leap allows you to disengage or chase enemies while providing extra attack speed during trades.
  • Ganking: Mirana is an excellent ganker at any stage of the game, but especially effective in the early stages. Landing a well-aimed arrow can easily secure a kill, giving your team an early advantage. As a midlaner, you have more opportunities to gank other lanes, creating pressure across the map in Mirana laning tips.
  • Combining with allies: Mirana works well in combination with heroes who have control or slow abilities, making it easier to land her arrow. As a midlaner or offlaner, work with allies who can lock down enemies, providing you with easier opportunities to hit Sacred Arrow.

Mirana is an extremely flexible hero, capable of fulfilling various roles within the team. Her proper usage during laning and ganks can set the pace of the game and provide an early advantage for your team in best Mirana builds.


Mirana build

Mirana's build is based on her versatility and mobility, which allow her to be effective as both a support and a laner. Sacred Arrow is a key tool for initiation that can turn the tide of a battle if used well. It's worth practising to hit with an arrow after other control effects or in situations where the opponent doesn't expect an attack. Starstorm helps to quickly clear waves of creeps and deal significant damage in teamfights. Its Ultimate, Moonlight Shadow, gives the team additional mobility and protection, making it ideal for surprise attacks or retreats.

Facets on Mirana:

  • Moonlight Shadow: Mirana's Ultimate ability gives allies invisibility and extra movement speed.Heroes under the influence of these spells will not automatically attack enemies.Moonlight Shadow makes Mirana and all allied heroes invisible and grants them extra movement speed. If a hero is revealed, the invisibility will be restored after a delay while the shadow lasts.
  • Solar Flare: Mirana's ultimatum ability grants allies extra attack speed and occasional damage from attacks.Solar Flare gradually increases the daytime visibility range, attack speed, and damage of Mirana and all allied heroes, reaching maximum power after 6 seconds. The additional daytime visibility increases x3 faster than attack speed and damage.

The choice of facet depends on your playstyle and role. But most players prefer Solar Flare.

Talents and Abilities

Mirana Build
Lvl Ability Talent
1 Sacred Arrow
2 Leap
3 Starstorm
4 Starstorm
5 Starstorm
6 Solar Flare
7 Starstorm
8 Leap
9 Leap
10 Leap
11 +150 Leap Distance
12 Solar Flare
13 Sacred Arrow
14 Sacred Arrow
15 +90 Leap Attack Speed
16 Sacred Arrow
18 Solar Flare

Mirana Item Build in Dota 2

The item build for Mirana revolves around her versatility and mobility, enabling her to be effective both as a support and a core hero. Sacred Arrow is a key tool for initiating, which can turn the tide of a fight when used correctly. It’s important to practice hitting the arrow after other control effects or in situations where the enemy isn't expecting an attack. Starstorm helps quickly clear creep waves and deal significant damage in team fights. Her Ultimate, Moonlight Shadow, provides additional mobility and protection for the team, making it perfect for surprise attacks or retreat.

  • Starting Items: Iron Branch x4, Magic Wand.

  • Early Game: Wraith Band, Ring of Basilius, Arcane Boots.

  • Midgame: Maelstrom, Gleipnir, Yasha.

  • Late Game: Manta Style, Daedalus, Satanic, Butterfly.

  • Situational Items: Aghanim's Shard, Black King Bar, Monkey King Bar.

  • Neutral Items: Safety Bubble, Light Collector, Vindicator's Axe.

Example of Mirana Gameplay in Dota 2

You can check out a game from Raddan (Yatoro) playing Mirana Dota 2 to see how to implement the above strategies for this hero. In particular, you’ll see examples of how to zone out enemy offlaners, farm creeps effectively, position during fights, and more in Dota 2 Mirana Build scenarios.

By following these tips and recommendations, you’ll be able to build a strong Mirana Dota 2 build for 2024 that will be relevant in the current patch and help you increase your win rate, while also improving your understanding of the hero’s key aspects, strengths, and weaknesses.


Thanks to our tips and tricks, you will be able to build a good build for Mirana in Dota 2 in 2024, which will be relevant to the current patch and will allow you to increase the winrate for this hero, as well as give you a better understanding of certain aspects, strengths and weaknesses of the hero.

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