Block of Cheese is one of those rare items in Dota 2 with a unique method to obtain. It is a relatively new item, introduced just last year in April, 2023 alongside the game-changing 7.33 patch. But unlike the majority of Dota 2 items, you can't purchase the Block of Cheese from any of the shops. So how do you get the Dota 2 Block of Cheese?
What does Block of Cheese do?
The Block of Cheese provides a PERMANENT damage barrier for the hero who consumed it. It shields the hero from 500 universal damage and has a regeneration rate of 100 per second, needing only 5 seconds to regenerate to its fullest capacity. If enemy heroes attack you, the regeneration function is paused for 5 seconds.

It is very strong during the late game and can massively boost your team's winning chances. The reason why we don't see this item too often is because of how hard it is to assemble and the lengthy duration needed.
Often, games don't extend long enough for either side to have enough Healing Lotuses to compile into the Block of Cheese. But with enough patience and consistency, and perhaps a very long game, you may just successfully form one for yourself!
How to get the Block of Cheese
To get the Block of Cheese in Dota 2, you need to combine 3 Greater Healing Lotus with Cheese. We explain further below.

In the 7.33 patch, Valve introduced Lotus Pools that spawn a Healing Lotus every 3 minutes. A Healing Lotus provides instant HP and Mana restoration, which greatly helps during the laning phase. As you stack more Lotuses in your inventory, they can become greater Lotuses that provide more benefits.
- Healing Lotus: Provides 125 HP and 125 Mana
- [x3 Healing Lotus] Great Healing Lotus: 400 HP and 400 Mana
- [x2 Great Healing Lotus] Greater Healing Lotus: 900 HP and 900 Mana

A Step-by-Step Guide to Form Block of Cheese
- Collect x18 Healing Lotus (equivalent to x6 Great Healing Lotus or x3 Greater Healing Lotus)
- If you don't have enough slots or prioritize other items, you can temporarily store the Healing Lotuses in your base where it's safe from the enemy's reach.
- If Roshan has been slain twice, go ahead and take down Roshan for the third time. You will get two item drops, the Aegis of Immortals and Cheese.
- Grab Cheese and combine all three Greater Healing Lotus in your inventory to form the Block of Cheese.
To form the Block of Cheese, you need x3 Greater Healing Lotus and Cheese. The total Healing Lotus combined to get the Block of Cheese is 18. The quickest you can grab 18 Healing Lotuses is by 27 minutes, and that is if you grab every single Lotus that spawned.
Combine all 3 Greater Healing Lotus in your inventory to stack them up and once you pick up the Cheese, it will transform into the Block of Cheese. The Cheese is a non-purchasable item which you can only obtain by slaying Roshan.

Now that we've learned the function of the Block of Cheese and how to assemble it, let's dive into the item guide.
Keep Track of Roshan's Timing
Keep track of Roshan's respawn timer to ensure you can grab Cheese most efficiently at its drop location. Roshan will respawn at a random time between 8-11 minutes after being killed. Minutes leading up to Roshan's respawn, plant vision and push waves around the area to secure it properly.
Cheesy Strategies
There are some ways to strategize with the Block of Cheese. The person who assembles the Block of Cheese doesn't necessarily have to consume it. The item is shareable and it's best to provide the permanent shield to key heroes such as the carry or the offlane.
Note that the Block of Cheese doesn't provide any HP or Mana like its predecessors. So it's best to consume the item as soon as you get your hands on it.
Another great use of the Block of Cheese is to tank towers. With the barrier and the regeneration, you can push and tank towers without taking any damage at all. However, ensure no enemy heroes are attacking you; otherwise, the barrier will cease to regenerate.

Heroes for the Block of Cheese
A lot of heroes are suitable for the Block of Cheese functionality. But the priorities are often on key heroes during the late game like core heroes. A carry Phantom Assassin or Juggernaut would be beastly with a permanent shield, as it helps them sustain more during teamfights.
A tanky hero such as Bristleback or a Dragon Knight could also be a lethal pair for the Block of Cheese, as they can amp up their durability better.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can you drop the Block of Cheese? Yes.
- Can you share the Block of Cheese? Yes.
- Can you sell the Block of Cheese? Yes, for 1 gold.
- Can you destroy the Block of Cheese? Yes.
- Can you disassemble the Block of Cheese? No.
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