Luna Guide - Dota 2

Luna Guide - Dota 2

Luna is a powerful Dota 2 laning hero known for her strong physical and magical damage, as well as her ability to farm and destroy enemies quickly. Her abilities allow her to deal damage over a large area, as well as strengthen her team with Lunar Blessing. Due to her high mobility and ability to destroy enemy structures in seconds, Luna can be a key hero for dominating the map and ending the game in the mid or late game.

In this guide, we're going to look at how to use Luna effectively, its abilities, builds, and strategies. You'll learn how to gain gold as quickly as possible, choose the right moments for attacks, use Eclipse for maximum effect in battles, and help your team dominate the battlefield. Proper use of Luna can be the key to quick wins in Dota 2


Understanding the basics of the hero

Luna is one of the most powerful laning heroes in Dota 2, known for her high farm rates, strong AoE (area of effect) damage, and ability to quickly destroy both enemies and structures. Her main strength is a combination of physical and magical attacks, which makes her a formidable opponent in team fights and when breaking through enemy bases. Luna is effective both in the early and late game, allowing her to play a key role in various strategies.

Thanks to her abilities, Luna can create strong lane pressure, quickly clear lane creeps, and move into the lane for safe farming while her team continues to apply pressure. She is well suited for players who prefer an aggressive playstyle and are looking for opportunities to quickly gain an advantage in gold.

Luna's strengths:

  • High farming speed: Thanks to Moon Glaives, Luna is able to quickly clear creeps on the lane and in the forest. This allows her to quickly gain gold and experience, making her one of the most effective midrange laners. Her ability to farm quickly also gives her an advantage in artefact farming.
  • Strong AoE damage: Eclipse and Moon Glaives provide a powerful impact in teamfights, especially against groups of enemies or large numbers of creeps. Eclipse deals massive magic damage, which allows Luna to quickly destroy enemies if they are not ready for such a burst damage.
  • Powerful push potential: Thanks to her Lunar Blessing passive, Luna not only boosts her own physical damage, but also increases the damage of her allies across the map, making her the perfect hero for quickly destroying enemy towers and bases.
  • Global impact through Lunar Blessing: This ability gives Luna and her allies a bonus to physical damage anywhere on the map, making her useful even in situations where she cannot be directly on the battlefield.

Weaknesses of Luna:

  • Vulnerability in the early stages: At the beginning of the game, Luna is relatively weak, as it takes time to build artefacts that will increase its effectiveness. It is vulnerable to aggressive play from opponents and can easily get caught in the middle of a focus.
  • Need for reliable support: Luna typically needs reliable support or a teammate tank to be able to safely deal damage in combat. It cannot easily escape from battle and is highly dependent on positioning.
  • Limited manoeuvrability: Due to her lack of escape or movement abilities, Luna can be easily vulnerable to enemy initiations or heroes with high mobility.
  • Dependence on artefacts: For maximum impact in the game, Luna needs a certain set of artefacts, such as Manta Style, Black King Bar, or Satanic, to increase its stamina and damage. A lag in farming can significantly reduce her impact in the mid to late game.

Luna is a strong laning hero who can quickly turn her advantage into a win for the team. Her powerful abilities and ability to quickly build up her strength make her a dangerous opponent in the hands of an experienced player who can make the most of her farm potential and her timing.

Luna's counterpicks

Win Rate
Keeper of the Light

Who Luna is good against

Win Rate
Night Stalker
Shadow Shaman
Lone Druid

Tips for the Luna laning stage

Luna is a powerful ranged laning carries hero that is effective at farming and putting pressure on enemies thanks to her abilities and high damage potential. During the laning stage, Luna strives to gain gold and experience as quickly as possible to obtain its key artefacts and becomes extremely effective in teamfights and in destroying enemy structures. Here are some key tips for playing Luna effectively in lane:

  • Proper use of Lucent Beam for harass: Lucent Beam is your primary ability for dealing magic damage and harassing enemies in lane. With its low mana cost and fast cooldown, it allows you to keep pressure on your opponents. Use Lucent Beam to stop enemy aggressive actions and provide safe farming for your allies. Use it to harass weak enemies or prepare for a kill when enemy heroes are low on health.
  • Aggressive farming with Moon Glaives: Thanks to Moon Glaives, Luna can easily farm large groups of creeps, quickly clear the line, and move into the forest for further farming. This ability allows her to increase her gold gain rate, which is key for Luna as she is dependent on artefacts. Keep an eye on your lane and try to farm as many creeps as possible while avoiding taking unnecessary damage from enemies.
  • Lunar Blessing for lane support: Lunar Blessing grants an extra physical demage to both you and your allies. This bonus helps you win lane battles and increases the effectiveness of your opponents' harass. Use this passive ability to maintain your lane advantage and increase your team's aggressiveness during early game encounters.
  • Positioning control: Luna is a vulnerable hero in the early game, so it's important to avoid being too aggressive in the lane without support. It is easy for enemies to focus on you due to your low stamina and lack of escape mechanisms. Always keep your position behind your supporters, avoiding getting under the control of the enemy.
  • Focus on getting artifacts quickly: Luna is dependent on key artefacts such as Power Treads, Dragon Lance, or Mask of Madness to significantly increase her performance in combat. After the initial stage of the game, Luna switches to a more aggressive playstyle, so it's important to focus on farming to get these items quickly. Do not forget to regularly clear the forests after the end of the waves of creeps on the line.
  • Proper use of Eclipse: Eclipse is Luna's ultimate ability that can destroy enemies in seconds with its massive magic damage. Use it to win important lane battles or to counterattack when enemies try to aggressively initiate a fight. Do not use Eclipse in battles near a large number of creeps, as this will reduce its effectiveness due to the damage dispersal to a large number of targets.
  • Support allies with Lunar Blessing: In the lane lane, Luna can provide her sappers with additional physical damage through Lunar Blessing, which helps them compete more successfully in the lane. This is especially useful for aggressive laners who can actively harass enemies, increasing their chance of killing or winning the lane.
  • Rotations and aggressive push: Thanks to her abilities, Luna can quickly rotate to other lanes to help the team destroy towers and build pressure on enemies. Use Moon Glaives to quickly farm waves of creeps, then help your team capture objects whenever possible.

Luna is a kerry that excels at aggressive playstyle and fast farming. Her success in the laning stage depends on proper positioning, resource management, and the proper use of her abilities to harass and protect herself and her allies.


Luna build

Luna is a ranged laning hero in Dota 2 that specialises in clearing waves quickly, dealing massive damage, and destroying enemy buildings. She is known for her powerful AoE damage and high farm rate, which allows her to quickly gain an economic advantage in the game. Her powers increase with levels and items, making her deadly in team fights in the mid to late stages of the game.

Facets on Luna:

  • Moonshield: Lunar Orbit provides damage reduction when active.

  • Moonstorm: Hitting enemies with Bright Rays or Eclipse gives Luna extra attack damage.

Which facet you choose depends on your playstyle and your role. However, most players prefer Moonstorm.

Talents and Abilities

Lucent Beam
Moon Glaives
Lucent Beam
Moon Glaives
Lucent Beam
Lucent Beam
Moon Glaives
Moon Glaives
-8% Moon Glaives Damage Reduction
Lunar Orbit
Lunar Orbit
Lunar Orbit
+80 Lucent Beam Damage
Lunar Orbit

Luna's build for Luna

Luna is a ranged laning hero who specialises in fast farming, dealing massive damage, and destroying enemy buildings. Her build focuses on boosting her physical damage, attack speed, and survivability to maximise her potential in teamfights and late game stages.

  • Starting Items: Magick Stick, Quelling Blade, Iron Branch x2, Circlet.

  • Early game: Wraith Band, Power Treads.

  • Midgame: Yasha, Dragon Lance, Manta Style, Phylactery.

  • Late game: Khanda, Butterfly, Aghanim's Scepter, Black King Bar.

  • Situational items: Hurrican Pike, Monkey King Bar, Swift Blink.

  • Neutral Items: Ceremonial Robe, Craggy Coat, Pupil`s Gift.

A good example of playing as Luna in Dota 2

You can watch the game of the player Raddan (Yatoro) on Luna to see how to implement the above tips for this hero. In particular, you will see a clear example of how to separate the enemy offliner on the line, how to quickly get gold, take a position during files, etc.


Thanks to our tips and tricks, you will be able to build an effective Luna build for Dota 2 in 2024 that will meet your current goals and ensure your consistent success in the game. Luna is a powerful kerry hero capable of dealing significant damage and quickly destroying enemy buildings. The right selection of items, proper positioning, and strategic use of her abilities will help you realise her potential as a key unit in the later stages of the game. Using our recommendations, you will be able to increase your winrate and dominate team battles, leading your team to victory.

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