Yamato Guide - Deadlock
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  • 21:05, 15.10.2024

Yamato Guide - Deadlock

Yamato is one of the hardest Deadlock characters. She is melee range assassin with great mobility. This character has one one the highest DPS. If you master her, she will be the best 1vs9 character. 

In this guide for Yamato, we will cover the following aspects:

  • Strengths and weaknesses of the hero
  • Current build and ability upgrades
  • Best synergies

How to Play Yamato

Yamato is a really great farm character. Push lane, get souls and rotate to farm jungle camps. You have to purchase your core items as fast as possible. When you already have the items, you can look for different targets, doesn't matter tank or squishy character. Your goal in mid and late game is annihilating enemy carries as assassin. Yamato is very aggressive, so you have to always look for some plays. You have to always dominate by gold lead (4000+). In late game you easily get objectives and force fights. But in the first 10-20 games it would be hard to play in team fights, it’s not bad, Yamato is really hard character to play. 


  1. One of the strongest duelist
  2. High mobility, great potential to chase enemies
  3. One of the highest DPS
  4. Mastering her is high-rewarding


  1. Close-range combat character
  2. Requires much space to be strong
  3. She is easy to kill

Yamato’s Abilities

Channel to increase damage over 1.4 seconds, then release a fully-charged sword strike. Press 1  to trigger the strike early, dealing partial damage
Channel to increase damage over 1.4 seconds, then release a fully-charged sword strike. Press 1  to trigger the strike early, dealing partial damage

Stats without upgrades:

Attribute Value
Cooldown 8.5s
Full Charge Damage 160
Slash Length 25m


Upgrade Effect
1 AP Gain +60 Bullet Resist while channeling
2 AP Apply +40% movement slow for 3s
5 AP +200 Full Charge Damage
Throw a grappling hook to reel yourself towards an enemy, damaging and slowing the target when you arrive.
Throw a grappling hook to reel yourself towards an enemy, damaging and slowing the target when you arrive.

Stats without upgrades:

Attribute Value
Range 20m
Cooldown 21s
Damage 70
Movement Slow 30%
Slow Duration 2.5s


Upgrade Effect
1 AP +25% Movement Slow
2 AP +20m Cast Range
5 AP +6 Weapon Damage for 10s after striking the target
Slash enemies in front of you, damaging them and slowing their fire rate. If any enemy heroes are hit, you heal.
Slash enemies in front of you, damaging them and slowing their fire rate. If any enemy heroes are hit, you heal.

Stats without upgrades:

Attribute Value
Range 13m
Cooldown 11.5s
Damage 60
Heal on Hero Hit 70
Fire Rate Slow 20%
Debuff Duration 4s


Upgrade Effect
1 AP +30% Fire Rate Slow
2 AP +10% of Max Health Heal on hero hit
5 AP -6s Cooldown
Become infused with Yamato's shadow soul. After an initial invincible transformation, your abilities are refreshed and are 60% faster, and you gain damage resists and immunity to negative status effects. You are unable to die in this mode.
Become infused with Yamato's shadow soul. After an initial invincible transformation, your abilities are refreshed and are 60% faster, and you gain damage resists and immunity to negative status effects. You are unable to die in this mode.

Stats without upgrades:

Attribute Value
Cast Time 2s
Cooldown 106s
Duration 4.5s
Ability Speed +60%
Spirit Resist +40%
Bullet Resist +40%


Upgrade Effect
1 AP -28s Cooldown
2 AP +4 m/s Move Speed
5 AP +2s Duration

Build and Ability Progression

Early Game:

  • Hollow Point Ward
  • Mystic Burst
  •  Mystic Shot
  • Extra Health
  • Melee Lifesteal
  • Spirit Strike
  • Sprint Boots
  • High-Velocity Mag


  • Torment Pulse
  • Mystic Vulnerability
  • Kinetic Dash
  • Soul Shredder Bullets
  • Enduring Speed
  • Improved Burst
  • Cold Front
  • Refresher

Late Game:

  • Warp Stone
  • Point Blank
  • Superior Cooldown
  • Healing Booster
  • Mystic Reverb
  • Surge of Power

This is the optimal build for more spirit power. Remember, you can change your items depending on the situation.


Best Hero Combinations:

Yamato + Kelvin
51.1% win rate
Yamato + Mo & Krill 
51.1% win rate
Yamato + Warden
51% win rate 

Characters like Kalvin are good supports, so they are good with hyper carry like Yamato. Warden is close-range as well, but he has insane AOE control. Each teammate with CC is good for Yamato, her DPS allows to kill targets during CC effect. 


  1. Kelvin
  2. Haze
  3. Warden

Kelvin is the best counter for sure. His abilities are too strong against Yamato. Other characters like Haze or Warden can punish her during ultimate casting.


Example of a Game on Yamato

You can watch this game to get a clear idea of how the hero works and pick up useful tips. You'll also see how to play your laning phase, press keys, farm and rotate.

Deadlock MVPS - YouTube Video


Yamato is a high-risk, high-reward character designed for players who enjoy mastering complex, aggressive playstyles. With her incredible mobility and powerful damage potential, she can dominate enemies, especially in 1v1 situations. However, her reliance on being in close-range combat and needing space to thrive makes her difficult to play effectively, especially in early games. Mastering Yamato requires patience, learning her abilities, and optimizing her build. Once mastered, she becomes a lethal force, capable of carrying games by quickly assassinating key targets and capitalizing on her high DPS. With the right synergies and timing, she can lead teams to victory, though counter-picks like Kelvin pose a significant threat. Keep practicing, focus on her strengths, and Yamato will become an unstoppable force in your arsenal.

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