Ten ways to earn money in CS2: legal and illegal

Ten ways to earn money in CS2: legal and illegal

The allure of earning money while playing CS2 is a compelling one for many gamers worldwide. In today’s esports landscape, playing video games has transcended pastime status to become a legitimate career option for many. From streaming on platforms like Twitch to trading in-game items, the opportunities to monetise gaming skills and interests are expansive. However, navigating this terrain is not as straightforward as it may seem. While it's indeed possible to find financial rewards in gaming, achieving substantial earnings often involves more than just gameplay. This article explores various legal and borderline legal methods to earn money through CS2, offering a clear-eyed view of what each entails and how to approach them responsibly.

Legitimate ways to earn money

Streaming/content creation

Streaming CS2 gameplay or creating related content on platforms like Twitch or YouTube can be a lucrative career path. Success in this arena requires high-level gaming skills to attract and retain viewers. Additionally, investing in quality streaming equipment—such as a good webcam, microphone, and stable internet connection—enhances the viewing experience and helps build a dedicated audience. Consistency is also crucial; maintaining a regular streaming schedule can help grow a loyal follower base, which in turn can lead to sponsorships and advertising revenue.


Professional esports career

Pursuing a career in esports is another viable way to earn money through CS2. This path demands not only exceptional gaming skills but also a deep passion for the game. The journey typically starts with playing in smaller tournaments and gradually moving up to larger, more prestigious competitions. Successful esports athletes often spend hours each day training and strategising, a testament to their dedication. Earnings can come from tournament winnings, team salaries, and endorsements. Building a career in esports also opens doors to becoming a brand ambassador or pursuing other opportunities within the gaming industry.

Trading CS2 skins

Trading skins, the cosmetic enhancements for weapons in CS2, can also be a profitable venture. This market operates on knowledge of which skins are in demand and an understanding of market trends. Traders profit by buying skins at a low price and selling them when their market value increases. Platforms like DMarket facilitate these transactions by providing a marketplace for buyers and sellers. Successful trading requires a keen sense of timing and market dynamics, and while it can be profitable, it also requires an initial investment and carries a risk of loss.

Creating CS2 skins

If you're artistically inclined, designing and selling CS2 skins can be a highly rewarding venture. Creators can submit their designs to the CS2 community workshop, where, if popular enough, they might be included in official game updates. Skin creators receive a percentage of the sales from their designs, which can be substantial depending on the skin’s popularity. This avenue requires skills in graphic design and a deep understanding of the community's preferences but stands as a creative and potentially lucrative way to earn money.


Coaching and mentoring

Experienced CS2 players can offer their expertise to others as coaches or mentors. This can involve one-on-one sessions, creating tutorial content, or even hosting workshops. Coaching provides a way to monetise extensive game knowledge and help others improve their skills. Payment models vary, from hourly rates to subscription-based plans on platforms like Patreon. This method not only helps others get better at the game but also reinforces the coach's understanding and mastery of CS2.

Questionable or risky methods

Case opening for profit

Case opening involves purchasing and unlocking CS2 weapon cases in hopes of finding rare and valuable skins. While it can occasionally yield high-value items, statistically, the average return on investment (ROI) is below 100%. This means, on average, you're likely to lose money. Although tempting, relying on case openings for income is akin to gambling and should be approached with caution, understanding that it's not a reliable income stream.

Involvement in betting

Betting on CS2 matches can be another way to earn money, but it's fraught with risks and legal implications depending on your location. Betting requires not only an in-depth understanding of the teams and the game but also involves a significant risk of loss. Legal restrictions in many regions make this a complicated option, and it's crucial to consider the ethical and legal aspects before engaging in betting.

Participation in unauthorised tournaments

Competing in or organising unofficial CS2 tournaments that offer cash prizes can be tempting. However, these events often lacks proper regulatory oversight, which can lead to issues such as non-payment of prize money or unfair gameplay. Engaging in such activities can also breach the terms of service of the game, potentially leading to account bans or other penalties.


Exploiting game mechanics

Some players may attempt to exploit bugs or unintended game mechanics to gain an advantage in gameplay or competitions. While this can sometimes lead to short-term gains, such exploits are against the game's terms of service and ethical guidelines. Players caught exploiting are often penalised, including being banned from official tournaments and platforms.

Selling game accounts

Another questionable method involves selling high-level or access-rich CS2 accounts. This practice is explicitly against most game developers' terms of service and can lead to account termination. Furthermore, the market for such accounts is rife with scams, making it a risky proposition for both buyers and sellers.


While there are numerous ways to monetise your engagement with CS2, it's essential to distinguish between legitimate methods and those that carry significant risks or ethical concerns. Legitimate avenues like streaming, competing professionally, trading skins, creating game content, and coaching offer viable ways to earn money while fully enjoying the dynamics of CS2. On the other hand, riskier methods such as betting, exploiting game mechanics, or participating in unauthorised activities not only pose legal and financial risks but can also harm your reputation within the gaming community.

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