Ultimate WoW Plunderstorm Duo Guide: Top Winning Tips
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  • 09:51, 10.04.2024

Ultimate WoW Plunderstorm Duo Guide: Top Winning Tips

The battle royale mode in World of Warcraft called Plunderstrom has captured the imagination of many fans. Although the idea itself is not new, the concept was implemented in a rather interesting way for WoW, given that the gameplay is based on mob farming and PvP battles using abilities. 

As in many games based on battle royale, Plunderstorm allows you to play matches not only by yourself, but also with someone else. Unfortunately, the game only offers a duos mode with a friend or a random player. You can't play in a full squad, that is, in a team of four, like in PUBG or Fortnite.

How do I play World of Warcraft Plunderstrom in Duos mode?

To play WoW Plunderstorm in Duos mode, select the appropriate icon with the word Duos in the main menu, then connect to the game and wait for a match to be found. If you want to play with one of your friends, click the Invite Friend button, select someone from the list, wait for confirmation, and start playing.


Why play in Duos?

Playing Plunderstorm with someone else allows you to test your team skills and different strategic builds, which will help you easily reach the top 1 in the match. But besides that, it's a great way to quickly farm glory points and get all the rewards for completing Plunderstorm. After all, if your partner picks up plunder, which is the main currency that can be converted into reputation points to get the required level of fame, the same amount will be credited to you. This way, you can farm more and faster in one match, as well as win in PvP.

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Tips and strategy for completing Plunderstorm in Duos mode:

Get off to a good start

Start your game with a successful landing in an area with numerous mobs or an elite mob. This way, you will be able to get the second level and your first skill at the beginning of the match, which will give you a certain advantage over those players who neglect this tactic in Plunderstorm. Also, choose the area with the least number of other players. This way, you will have fewer competitors to take away chests and some farming on the ground. In addition, you will avoid unwanted PvP skirmishes that will lead to a waste of time that can be spent on further character leveling or the death of your Duos.


Interaction with enemy heroes

Don't try to engage in PvP unnecessarily, especially if you don't have good abilities. If your opponents manage to get good skills faster than you or if they are more skilled than you, it can cost you your life and therefore a potential victory in the match. Just try to avoid other heroes: farm mobs, pick up plunder, loot chests with magic, and level up so that you have an advantage in the later stages of the game. There is no need to run after other heroes if they are too far away, as they can easily escape, and this is a waste of your time.

If there are other players with low health near you, and you have abilities that will help you instantly close the distance or hit enemies from a distance. Then you can try to finish them off and get more experience points, fame, and abilities that will be useful to you.

If you see fights involving multiple groups of players, try to defeat those who you think are stronger or have a higher level. This way, you can eliminate those players who may pose a problem closer to the final stage of the game. However, don't forget that if the other player on the enemy team is still alive, he will try to raise his ally, so don't let him do it.

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Support each other

Next Plunderstorm duo tip: do not get too far apart from each other, as this will make it easier for enemies to kill you one by one. If it so happens that a teammate is killed, find them and revive them if possible. In a pair, you will have a better chance of winning, and if you die, your partner will help you revive. However, if the storm field has narrowed and covered the body of one of you, then there is no point in taking risks and going back for someone else.

It's better to run together, but farm different mobs, rather than hitting the same NPC at the same time. If you see that PvP is about to start near you, the best option is to run away using your abilities. However, if you feel that you can win, then act in a coordinated manner. Don't use all your abilities at the same time, especially if they have the same effect, because it's not practical. For example, if your partner has hit another player with Hunter's Chains, there is no need to immediately cast the same ability if you have it in your hand. Deal damage first, and then cast the chains on your opponent. This way, you'll be able to hold him off longer, which means you'll be able to do more damage.

Act efficiently

Remember that every unit of plunder you get during the game is credited to your ally, and vice versa. Therefore, collect all the plunder you see nearby, kill mobs, elites, and open gold chests to get as many glory points as possible at the end of the match. Don't forget about quests, which will also give you an additional 250 reputation points per match.


Plunderstorm team tactics and strategy 

For beginners, it is recommended to play plunderstorm duo mode with one you know. If you play with a friend instead of a random player and use certain communication apps, it becomes easier to act and discuss your tactics in Plunderstorm. You can discuss what abilities you have or what you need. Discuss who will attack first and how, what combination and build you plan to implement for the best effect.


You can always experiment with your abilities and look for the most advantageous and convenient set for you. One of the tactics to win a battle is when one of you has a set of abilities that can easily grab the enemy and stun them. For best effectiveness, you also require mobile abilities that can help you shorten the distance to the target and apply the appropriate debuffs almost instantly. Hunter's Chains, Windstorm, Steel Traps, and Earthbreaker are good abilities that will be useful for control. 

Fade to Shadow, Faeform, and Quaking Leap are useful for mobility and escape. These abilities will help you dodge enemy attacks, reduce damage, or leave the battlefield due to high speed or range. The best skills that will help you deal a lot of damage to your opponents are Fire Whirl, Holy Shield, Star Bomb, and Searing Axe. Some of these abilities are difficult to use and require practice, so practice and don't worry if you don't get it right the first or even tenth time.

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All these tips will be useful for those who plan to play Plunderstorm and try to win. However, this does not guarantee that you will take the top-1 because the important aspect is always your experience and skills the ability to adapt to different situations, and the balance in the game.

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