Infinity Nikki: How to Recycle Clothes
  • Guides

  • 09:02, 16.12.2024

Infinity Nikki: How to Recycle Clothes

Infinity Nikki is the latest release in the gacha world, but it stands out with a unique twist. Unlike typical gacha games where the focus is mainly on collecting characters, Infinity Nikki focuses on collecting clothes and creating stylish outfits. These outfits grant special abilities that aid you on your fashionable journey.

However, as you collect more clothes, you may find yourself with duplicates that no longer serve a purpose for your character. So, is there a way to recycle these extra items? The answer is yes! Keep reading to learn how to recycle your duplicate clothes and turn them into something valuable.

Requirements to Recycle Clothes

Glow up and outfit to level 10 to access the recycle feature.
Glow up and outfit to level 10 to access the recycle feature.

In Infinity Nikki, the recycling feature isn't available from the start. You'll need to progress a bit in the game to unlock this feature. Specifically, you'll need to "glow up" an outfit to level 10.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll receive a message from Dada, the head of the Florawish Stylist's Guild. This message will inform you about a Faewish Sprite who is collecting duplicate clothes. Only after reaching this milestone can you access the recycling option and begin exchanging your unwanted clothing items.

Exchange duplicates from your wardrobe with Yelubo.
Exchange duplicates from your wardrobe with Yelubo.

Where to Recycle Duplicates

Once you’ve received the notification from Dada, it’s time to find the Faewish Sprite who is ready to take your duplicates. The Faewish Sprite, named Yelubo, can be found near the Great Wishtree Square, just across from Marques Jr.'s shop. Yelubo is the character who will handle your clothing recycling and provide you with something valuable in return.

Infinity Nikki Codes (March 2025)
Infinity Nikki Codes (March 2025)   

How to Recycle Clothes

To begin recycling, simply approach Yelubo and click on them. This will start the clothes recycling process. You'll be able to exchange the duplicate clothing items for Glitter Bubbles. These Glitter Bubbles are valuable resources that can be used to "glow up" your outfits.

A Glitter Bubble is a crucial item when leveling up your outfits. Typically, you'll need around 360 or more Glitter Bubbles to glow up a single outfit. This makes the recycling process especially useful, as it allows you to gather the necessary materials to enhance your outfits while clearing out your inventory of unwanted duplicates. The more duplicates you collect, the more Glitter Bubbles you'll earn, helping you reach the goal of glowing up your favorite outfits.

Happy decluttering!

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