Farming Simulator 25: How to Grow and Sell Rice
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  • 19:25, 05.12.2024

Farming Simulator 25: How to Grow and Sell Rice

Rice is one of the easiest and most lucrative crops you can grow in Farming Simulator 25 (FS25). It is highly in demand around the world and can significantly boost your in-game income. If you're ready to add this valuable crop to your farm, follow our step-by-step guide below to successfully grow and sell rice in FS25.

When is Rice Season in Farming Simulator 25?

Like all other crops in FS25, rice has a specific season for planting. If you try to plant outside of its season, the game won’t allow it. The rice season runs from April to May. After two months of growth, you can harvest your paddy field in August and September.

Rice planting season goes from April to May.
Rice planting season goes from April to May.

If you prefer to plant rice regardless of the in-game seasons, you can disable "Seasonal Growth" in the Game Settings, giving you more flexibility in planting and harvesting crops.

How to Grow and Harvest Rice

Growing rice in FS25 involves several important steps. Here’s how you can go from start to finish:

  • Find a Suitable Land Area: Begin by selecting a flat area of land to plant your rice. Flat terrain is ideal for creating an efficient rice field. If your chosen land has slopes or hills, you can adjust the landscape by using Build Mode to flatten it.
  • Prepare Your Land: If the land isn’t already a field, you’ll need to plow it. If your field requires liming or mulching, complete these tasks before planting. If there are stones in the area, use the stone picker to clear them away.
  • Create a Rice Field: Head to the Store and open the Construction tab to find the Rice Field. In this mode, you can draw the field’s boundaries, following the shape of your land. Once your lines are connected, the rice field will be formed. The field will automatically lower its level to prepare it for flooding.
  • Flood Your Rice Field: After creating your rice field, a water pump will appear at the edge. Interact with it and click “Flood” to begin filling the field with water. The pump will automatically stop once there is enough water in the field.
Use the ISEKI PRJ8D to plant saplings and fertilize the rice field.
Use the ISEKI PRJ8D to plant saplings and fertilize the rice field.
  • Plant Your Rice: Next, purchase the ISEKI PRJ8D rice planter from the store. This machine will plant your rice saplings and spread fertilizer simultaneously.
  • Prepare the Rice Saplings and Fertilizer: Go to Consumables and purchase Rice Sapling Pallets and Solid Fertilizer. Load them into the planter, then start planting your rice.
  • Monitor Water Levels: Over the next month, your rice will start to grow taller. Rice fields require constant flooding throughout their growth cycle. You can monitor the water levels by interacting with the water pump and ensuring the field has enough water.
  • Fertilize and Weed Your Field: To maximize your crop yield, you can fertilize the rice field again. You should also remove any visible weeds using a weeder or herbicides if they have grown to a medium size. Be sure to use a tractor with narrow wheels to avoid damaging the rice plants.
  • Harvest the Rice: Once the rice is fully grown, typically in August or September, it's time to harvest. Use the ISEKI HJ6130 rice harvester to gather the rice. After harvesting, transport the rice to a trailer for storage or sale.
Use the ISEKI HJ6130 to harvest the paddy field.
Use the ISEKI HJ6130 to harvest the paddy field.
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How to Sell Rice 

Selling rice in FS25 can be done in various ways, and processing the rice adds more profit. Here's a breakdown of how to maximize your earnings:

  1. Selling Raw Rice: While selling raw rice directly to local stores is an option, it won't net you the highest profits. You can sell it at any time, but July is the most profitable month to sell rice. Alternatively, store the harvested rice in a silo and wait for the peak selling season.
  2. Processing Rice for More Profit: Rice can be processed into a variety of products, significantly increasing its value. You can sell processed items like Rice Bags, Rice Boxes, and Rice Oil. One of the ways to process rice is by using a Grain Mill, which produce Rice Flour among other valuable products.
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