5 Maps That Will Make CS2 Better

5 Maps That Will Make CS2 Better

The competitive map pool of CS2 is an eternal topic for discussion. Various analysts, professional players, and active community members constantly suggest making certain changes to the map pool. In this article, we will talk about the maps that can diversify the competitive pool and add excitement to matches.


In 2021, Train was removed from the map pool, and in its place, the map Ancient was added. Was it a suitable replacement? Although the map with trains did not enjoy high popularity among ordinary users, it was a benchmark of tactical diversity in the pro scene. Playing on it was not easy, but it was captivating, and watching matches of professional teams was a pure pleasure.

Train was not sent for a rework, and there were no talks of its return to the competitive pool. However, there is excellent news: fragments of the map were spotted in one of Valve's early CS2 videos. However, the less pleasant aspect is that more than six months have passed since then.

Train map
Train map


Cache is a classic map for Counter-Strike. It enjoyed incredible popularity until its rework in 2019. The new green version didn't catch on with players. As a result, Cache was not returned to the map pool. But will it be in CS2?

Fmpone, a legend in the mapping world and the creator of the map, is working on porting several of his creations to the new game engine, including Cache. He stated that the map awaits a complete rework that will restore its former popularity. Cache will undoubtedly be Although it will be easy to download Cache from the workshop, it is unknown whether it will appear in matchmaking or other game modes.

Cache map
Cache map


Ten Majors were played on the Cobblestone map before it was sent for rework in 2018. No one could have thought it would end up the way it did. Previously, Valve had reworked other maps, and they only got better, but not this time.

The changes to bombsite A shocked everyone, as almost all cover was removed. As a result, it became difficult to defend after the bomb was planted, and it became easy for retakes. Due to continuous criticism, Cobblestone never returned to CS. At the time of writing this article, it is unknown whether the map will be reworked for CS2. However, data miners have already found mentions of Cobblestone in the game files. Think about it.

Cobblestone map
Cobblestone map


The older generation of Counter-Strike players has long insisted that Valve add the Tuscan map first to CS:GO, and now to CS2. In August 2022, the requests were heard, and the map was available as a gift for the 10th anniversary of CS:GO. However, Tuscan was not included in the official map pool, and this significantly affected its popularity. Developers also neglected to release updates and bug fixes.

Tuscan has already been somewhat forgotten, but it is still legendary. This map must definitely appear in CS2 because it will be something new for many players. Otherwise, why would Valve buy it from the creators for $150,000?

Tuscan map
Tuscan map


A favourite map among many esports players has never been adapted for CS:GO, although it had the potential to become part of the competitive pool. Due to the many corridors and passages, situations often occurred where players encountered each other in 1v1 confrontations because newcomers could easily get lost on de_prodigy.

Unlike subsequent maps, this one does not promote "run and gun" tactics and is focused on teamwork. Considering the low popularity of some maps in professional CS2 (especially Inferno), Prodigy is an excellent option for replacement - provided minor adjustments are made to meet CS2 requirements. Old players will undoubtedly be happy to see familiar textures.

Prodigy map
Prodigy map

Valve is more focused on stability and very rarely makes any changes to the competitive map pool. Therefore, all that remains is to wait and hope that changes to the map pool will occur as soon as possible.

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