It’s the Dota version of The Night Before Christmas right now, and there’s a festive feeling in the air. It’s your last chance to familiarise yourself with all the teams before battle begins
This data is all from pro matches either this season (since last TI), or is otherwise specified. This excludes lower-tier and semi- tournaments, as well as Open Qualifier matches – but includes Closed Qualifiers.
For each team we’ve included their best results, as well as their pre-event Glicko rating (a skill-based metric) & rank among TI teams. We've also included a few interesting hero picks from 7.36 where the team prioritized heroes differently compared to the rest of the meta: 3 heroes where they’ve picked it much more frequently than the other teams, and 1 hero they’ve banned a lot more than other teams. You might recognize these from their past few months, and they might be fall-backs during TI.
Paky | Lumpy | Vitaly | Elmisho | MoOz
Glicko: 1725 | Rank: #16
7-8th Elite League S2 | 13-14th Riyadh Masters
Season stats: 67-75 (47.2%)
7.36+ stats: 45-50 (47.4%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 87 (1st)
Total Pro Games: 2275 (13th)

Team Zero
Erika | 7e | Beyond | ponlo | zzq
Glicko: 1750 | Rank: #15
9-10th Clavision: Snow Ruyi
Season stats: 47-44 (51.7%)
7.36+ stats: 16-19 (45.7%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 61 (14th)
Total Pro Games: 1557 (16th)

Talon Esports
Akashi | Mikoto | Ws | Jhocam | ponyo
Glicko: 1791 | Rank: #14
7-8th Clavision: Snow Ruyi | 9-10 ESL B'ham
Season stats: 75-61 (55.2%)
7.36+ stats: 16-16 (50.0%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 61 (14th)
Total Pro Games: 2236 (14th)

Yuma | Copy | Gunnar | Lelis | Fly
Glicko: 1852 | Rank: #13
12-14th PGL Wallachia | 5-6th Elite League S2
Season stats: 117-85 (57.9%)
7.36+ stats: 50-40 (55.6%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 83 (2nd)
Total Pro Games: 5724 (6th)

K1 | 4nalog | Davai Lama | Scofield | KJ
Glicko: 1857 | Rank: #12
7-8th ESL B'ham | 7-8th DreamLeague S23
Season stats: 94-8 (54.0%)
7.36+ stats: 31-19 (62.0%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 60 (16th)
Total Pro Games: 3955 (11th)

23 | lorenof | Jabz | Q | Oli
Glicko: 1872 | Rank: #11
7-8th DLeague S22 & S23 | 7-8th PGL Wallachia
Season stats: 101-84 (54.6%)
7.36+ stats: 29-22 (56.9%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 74 (7th)
Total Pro Games: 5161 (8th)

1w Team
Munkushi | CHIRA_JUNIOR | Cloud | swedenstrong | RESPECT
Glicko: 1883 | Rank: #10
4th 1win Summer | 2nd Elite League Season 2
Season stats: 110-83 (57.0%)
7.36+ stats: 57-32 (64.0%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 79 (4th)
Total Pro Games: 1787 (15th)

G2 x iG
Monet | NothingToSay | JT | BoBoKa | xNova
Glicko: 1901 | Rank: #9
4th PGL Wallachia | 5-6th ESL B'ham | 7-8th Elite League S1 | 19-20th Riyadh Masters
Season stats: 125-94 (57.1%)
7.36+ stats: 33-25 (56.9%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 72 (9th)
Total Pro Games: 7862 (2nd)

BB Team (Direct Invite)
Nightfall | gpk | MieRo | Save | TORONTOTOKYO
Glicko: 1938 | Rank: #8
2nd ESL B'ham | 2nd DreamLeague S22 | 3rd DreamLeague S23 | 3rd Betboom Dacha Dubai
Season stats: 98-85 (53.6%)
7.36+ stats: 22-22 (50.0%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 68 (10th)
Total Pro Games: 3871 (12th)

Team Liquid (Direct Invite)
miCKe | Nisha | 33 | Boxi | Insania
Glicko: 1939 | Rank: #7
1st Elite League S2 | 2nd Riyadh Masters | 3rd ESL Kualua Lumpur | 4th Elite League S1
Season stats: 122-94 (56.5%)
7.36+ stats: 37-26 (58.7%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 65 (11th)
Total Pro Games: 7612 (3rd)

Watson | No[o]ne | DM | Kataomi | Fishman
Glicko: 1946 | Rank: #6
1st Fissure Universe Episode 2 | 1st 1win Dota Spring | 9-12th Riyadh Masters
Season stats: 106-65 (62.0%)
7.36+ stats: 49-24 (67.1%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 78 (5th)
Total Pro Games: 4664 (10th)

Team Spirit (Direct Invite)
Yatoro | Larl | Collapse | Mira | Miposhka
Glicko: 1978 | Rank: #5
1st PGL Wallachia | 1st 1win Summer | 2nd Clavision: Snow Ruyi | 2nd Fissure Universe EP3
Season stats: 111-87 (56.1%)
7.36+ stats: 38-25 (60.3%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 77 (6th)
Total Pro Games: 4976 (9th)

Tundra Esports
Pure | Topson | RAMZES666 | Saksa | Whitemon
Glicko: 1981 | Rank: #4
4th Riyadh Masters | 3rd ESL B'ham | 3rd Fissure Universe: EP3 | 7-8th Elite League Season 1
Season stats: 117-76 (60.6%)
7.36+ stats: 33-25 (56.9%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 81 (3rd)
Total Pro Games: 5379 (7th)

Gaimin Gladiators (Direct Invite)
Dyrachyo | Quinn | Ace | tOfu | Seleri
Glicko: 1982 | Rank: #3
1st Riyadh Masters | 2nd DreamLeague S23 | 2nd ESL One Kualua Lumpur | 5th DreamLeague S22
Season stats: 95-74 (56.2%)
7.36+ stats: 28-17 (62.2%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 64 (12th)
Total Pro Games: 6383 (5th)

Xtreme Gaming (Direct Invite)
Ame | Xm | Xxs | XinQ | Dy
Glicko: 1988 | Rank: #2
1st Elite League S1 | 2nd PGL Wallachia | 3rd DreamLeague S22 | 4th DL S23 | 7-8th ESL B'ham
Season stats: 115-70 (62.2%)
7.36+ stats: 29-23 (55.8%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 73 (8th)
Total Pro Games: 7908 (1st)

Team Falcons (Direct Invite)
Skiter | Malr1ne | ATF | Cr1t | Sneyking
Glicko: 2054 | Rank: #1
1st BetBoom Dacha Dubai | 1st DreamLeague S22 & S23 | 1st ESL B'ham | 1st Fissure Universe EP3 | 3rd Riyadh Masters | 3rd PGL Wallachia
Season stats: 191-78 (71.0%)
7.36+ stats: 35-21 (62.5%)
7.36+ unique heroes: 62 (13th)
Total Pro Games: 6993 (4th)

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