Changes to the Monte Gen lineup

Changes to the Monte Gen lineup

In the academic squad of Monte GEN has been replaced by Roman "n0te" Hamze, who according to the coach of the academy is being tested for another squad. In his place, David "fnl" Mușuroiu, who played for NAVI Junior and Nexus Academy, joined the team.

n0te has been in the squad since November 7, 2023 and his squad rating is 6.4, which puts his replacement in question. In turn, fnl's rating is 6.2. With the recent changes to the main squad, Monte, Gizmy and Ryu have returned to the academic squad and will be aiming for new goals with them. Here is how Monte GEN coach, AiyvaN, commented on the lineup changes:

We are very motivated to work with this guy, and with our guys returning from the main roster, this team really has a lot of potential! For all TOs looking for a team to play in their tournaments, we are ready!

The current academy roster looks like this:

  • David "fnl" Mușuroiu
  • Roberts "shield" Tipsis
  • Gytis "Ryu" Glušauskas
  • Vladyslav "Leen" Stepanov
  • Jack "Gizmy" von Spreckelsen

The arrival of a new player will be able to refresh and strengthen their game strategically. It is not yet known about the next games of the renewed squad.

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