Liquid vs Eternal Fire match prediction at CCT Global Finals 2024 final

Liquid vs Eternal Fire match prediction at CCT Global Finals 2024 final

CCT Global Finals 2024 marks a significant event in the esports calendar, featuring a $500,000 prize pool and the participation of 16 top-tier teams. This online event is the culmination of nearly two years of intense competition within the CCT series of tournaments. Despite being held online, the presence of heavyweights like Liquid, Astralis, Eternal Fire, and BIG elevates this tournament to S-tier status. The stakes are high, with the winning team set to take home a substantial $250,000 prize.

Teams overview

Eternal Fire is experiencing their best year in history, with notable achievements that include reaching the playoffs of the Major and nearly making it at IEM Katowice 2024. This final represents their first appearance in an S-tier event final, highlighting their growth and potential. Although their performance at ESL Pro League Season 19 was less than stellar, they have regained form, securing victories against SAW and GamerLegion.

Liquid, on the other hand, assembled a superteam at the start of the year, only to face early struggles. Failing to reach the Major was a significant setback, but they bounced back by making it to the playoffs of IEM Chengdu 2024 and ESL Pro League Season 19. The team has been surrounded by rumors regarding the potential departure of their IGL Casper "cadiaN" Møller due to style clashes. However, cadiaN's recent individual performances have been exceptional, helping Liquid reach their first S-tier event final since 2022. Their journey included a notable victory against Astralis, the main favorite of the event, demonstrating their resilience and potential.


Map selection and preferences

This best-of-five (BO5) final will see a significant influence from map selection. Here’s a look at the recent map pool performance of both teams:

Liquid’s map pool:

  • Dust2: 100.0% (1 map)
  • Inferno: 80.0% (15 maps)
  • Ancient: 78.6% (14 maps)
  • Anubis: 54.5% (11 maps)
  • Mirage: 46.2% (13 maps)
  • Nuke: 44.4% (9 maps)
  • Vertigo: permaban

Eternal Fire’s Map Pool:

  • Dust2: 100.0% (1 map)
  • Anubis: 100.0% (6 maps)
  • Vertigo: 66.7% (12 maps)
  • Nuke: 60.0% (5 maps)
  • Inferno: 57.1% (7 maps)
  • Mirage: 25.0% (8 maps)
  • Ancient: permaban

Both teams are expected to ban each other’s main picks, so we likely won’t see their best maps in action. Eternal Fire is expected to pick Nuke and Anubis, two of Liquid’s weaker maps, while Liquid is likely to choose Mirage and Inferno. Dust2 will most likely remain as the decider map, given both teams’ strong performances on it.


Key Players to Watch

Eternal Fire:

  • Ali "Wicadia" Haydar Yalçın: A rising star known for his explosive plays and clutch potential.
  • İsmailсan "XANTARES" Dörtkardeş: A veteran whose experience and skill are crucial to the team’s success.


  • Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken: Known for his consistent high-level performances and game-changing moments.
  • Keith "NAF" Markovic: A reliable player who can turn the tide of any match with his impactful plays.
  • Mareks "YEKINDAR" Gaļinskis: Despite a shaky season, his performance will be critical to Liquid’s success in the final.

Prediction and conclusion

The final promises to be a thrilling contest with potentially all five maps being played. Eternal Fire’s aggressive style and individual brilliance will pose a significant challenge to Liquid. However, Liquid’s experience, strategic depth, and recent resurgence under cadiaN’s leadership give them an edge.

Expect numerous clutches and standout individual plays from both teams. While Eternal Fire has the momentum and firepower, Liquid’s tactical prowess and ability to adapt in high-stakes scenarios could see them emerge victorious. It’s likely to be a closely contested series, but Liquid’s experience and composure in S-tier finals might just tip the scales in their favor, leading them to their first major victory with the current roster.


Final prediction:

Liquid 3-2 Eternal Fire

This outcome would not only mark a significant milestone for Liquid but also reinforce their status as one of the top teams in the CS2 scene. Regardless of the result, the match is set to be a memorable clash of styles and strategies, showcasing the best of what competitive CS2 has to offer.

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