LoL players have a solution to stop getting secondary role
LoL players have a solution to stop getting secondary role

We've all been there in League of Legends ranked, you've queued up and then you get a secondary role, or even worse you're autofilled in a role you don't even play. It's one of the most frustrating feelings when playing the game, even worse if you're only able to play the one game, and instead of being ADC you're playing support. Luckily, League of Legends players may have found a cheeky solution that will more-or-less guarantee you're going to get your main role in League of Legends ranked.

One League of Legends player took to Reddit this morning to complain that while they are auto-filled protected, they got their secondary role the next game, which isn't out of the realms of possibility. Autofill protected just means that you won't get a role outside of the two you selected as your primary and secondary roles. Each League of Legends player should have two roles they can take comfortably into ranked, as it's not always a guarantee you'll get the role your heart desires.

However, within that thread, many players said a simple trick that will help you get the role you want to play in League of Legends ranked. The trick that players are talking about is selecting mid as your secondary position, which is the most popular position in the game, and a majority of the time you will get the position you want. Unfortunately, this isn't a worthy trick for mid lane players, who sometimes have difficulties getting their role to begin with, but for other roles, this simple trick does work.

"My friend says just put mid as your secondary but is that really the solution," said one commenter. From being an ADC main myself, I always put midlane as my secondary position. Not because it's my second strongest role per se, but as mid lane is so popular, I have hardly ever been given mid, especially in the lower ranks.

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