At the last BLAST, there were some emotions towards sdy. We need to keep
him. He can play better. On camera, it looks like I hate this guy and
want to remove him, but that's not true.I used to believe that he would stay. But now it depends on how npl will perform.
Most likely, the club will decide on the starting five before the start
of RMR on April 3. After that, NAVI can continue experiments, including
IEM Katowice 2023. At EPL Season 17, the "yellow and black" will play in
the same lineup as at RMR because the roster lock, according to Valve's
rules, will take place ten days before the start of the major
Most likely, the club will decide on the starting five before the start
of RMR on April 3. After that, NAVI can continue experiments, including
IEM Katowice 2023. At EPL Season 17, the "yellow and black" will play in
the same lineup as at RMR because the roster lock, according to Valve's
rules, will take place ten days before the start of the major
Sasha Grey
Johnny Sins unterstützt Complexity vor dem Schlüsselspiel der EPL 19 gegen MOUZ 1
Ukrainische E-Sportler kehrten nach dem IESF World Esports Championship 2024 nicht in die Heimat zurück: Konsequenzen für die gesamte Community 2
Nehmen wir uns einen Moment Zeit, um uns daran zu erinnern, wie Dev1ce Monitore zerstört hat 3
Ergebnisse des Pick'Em bei BLAST Premier: Spring Groups 2024 von 24
Beste Waffen Tier-Liste in Counter-Strike 2 3