Teleport Scrolls Guide in Dota 2: Strategies and Timing
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  • 16:11, 22.07.2024

Teleport Scrolls Guide in Dota 2: Strategies and Timing

The TP Scroll is one of the most crucial and versatile items in Dota 2. Proper use of it can determine the outcome of a game by allowing players to quickly move across the map, participate in battles, or escape dangerous situations. In this article, we will discuss strategies and timing for using TP Scrolls that can help improve your gameplay.

Basics of Using a TP Scroll

Let's start with the basics. A TP Scroll is an item that allows a hero to teleport to any allied structure or creep wave on the map. Teleportation takes 3.5 seconds and can be interrupted if the hero is hit during the channel.

The cost of a TP Scroll is 100 gold. At the beginning of the game, each player has one scroll, but it is important to always have at least one in your inventory. The scroll has a cooldown of 80 seconds, so it needs to be used wisely.

Strategies for Using TP Scrolls

  • Reactive Teleportation: One of the most common uses of the TP Scroll is to protect allies or towers. When your ally is under attack, a quick teleport can change the course of the battle. It's important to coordinate actions with your team and choose the right moment to teleport.
  • Counterattack: Teleport to a tower that is under attack to defend it and potentially counterattack the enemy. This can be especially effective if you play a hero with strong control abilities or high mobility.
  • Farm Optimization: Use the TP Scroll to move to the opposite part of the map where there are free creep waves or jungle camps. This allows you to maximize your time and resources for accumulating gold and experience.
  • Map Mobility: Use the TP Scroll for quick movement across the map to join advantageous battles, catch enemies, or avoid danger. It also allows you to quickly return to base to replenish resources and immediately get back into the fight.
  • Quick Push: Use the TP Scroll to teleport to enemy territory where your creeps are pressuring a tower. This allows you to quickly destroy structures and create pressure on the enemy, forcing them to react.
  • Evading Enemies: Use the TP Scroll to teleport to another part of the map after making aggressive actions. This allows you to avoid ganks and move safely.
Dota 2 map
Dota 2 map

Timing and Decision Making

Let's break down how and when to use your scrolls and for what purposes.

Early Game
In the early game, it is important to use the TP Scroll cautiously. Players usually use their first scroll to return to the lane after purchasing items in the shop. It’s crucial to monitor the situation on the lanes and be ready to protect allies if necessary.

Mid Game
In the mid-game stage, the TP Scroll becomes a key tool for responding to ganks or initiating fights. It is important to coordinate actions with your team and have a plan of action in case the enemy attacks different parts of the map. Use teleportation for quick movement between lanes and to maintain map control.

Late Game
In the late game stages, the TP Scroll is used to defend the base, counterattack, or participate in crucial battles. It’s important to consider the cooldown and always have an escape plan in case of danger. Teleportation can become a key factor in determining the outcome of the game.

Practical Examples

Let's consider everything discussed above in practice.

Example 1: Protecting an Ally: Imagine your carry is under attack in the top lane. A quick teleport to the tower and using your abilities to control the enemy can save your ally’s life and even secure a couple of kills for your team.

Example 2: Pushing the Opposite Flank: Your team is pushing the bottom lane, but you see an opportunity to destroy the enemy tower on the top lane. Teleport to the lane, quickly take down the tower, and return to the team to complete the attack.

Common Mistakes

Ignoring Cooldown: One of the most common mistakes is not considering the cooldown of the TP Scroll. Always ensure you have a scroll available, especially in critical moments of the game. Not having a TP Scroll at the right moment can lead to the loss of towers, crucial battles, or the opportunity to help allies. Always try to have at least one scroll in reserve and use it rationally.

Poor Planning: Incorrect choice of teleport location can result in wasted time and resources. Always assess the situation and choose the optimal route for teleportation. For example, teleporting to a tower that is about to fall may be pointless, whereas teleporting to a safe position nearby will allow you to help your team more effectively or escape safely. Consider enemy positions and possible escape routes before teleporting.

Returning to Base at Risky Times: Teleporting to the base when you are under attack can be risky, as the enemy can interrupt the channel. In such cases, it's better to try to run or hide. Use the environment for concealment or abilities to avoid pursuit. If teleportation is necessary, choose a place with minimal risk of enemy attacks, such as behind trees or on high ground.

Lack of Team Coordination: Insufficient communication with the team can lead to inefficient use of the TP Scroll. Always inform your allies about your intentions to teleport and coordinate actions with them to avoid situations where multiple players teleport to the same spot unnecessarily. This will allow for more efficient use of resources and better results in the game.

Poor Timing: The timing of teleportation is crucial. Teleporting too early can lead to wasted time and resources if the fight hasn’t started yet, while teleporting too late can result in missing the opportunity to influence the outcome of the fight. Sensing the right moment when your presence will be most effective and not being afraid to take risks if it can turn the game in your team's favor is key.

Dota 2 heroes
Dota 2 heroes


The TP Scroll is an incredibly powerful tool in Dota 2, and proper use of it can change the course of the game. It’s important to learn how to use the TP Scroll in different situations, consider timing, and coordinate actions with your team. Always keep at least one scroll with you, analyze the situation on the map, and react to changes. Knowledge and practice in using TP Scrolls will help you become a more effective player, increase your mobility and tactical flexibility, ultimately contributing to your success in Dota 2.

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