Counter Picking in Dota 2: How to Choose the Best Heroes Against Your Opponents

Counter Picking in Dota 2: How to Choose the Best Heroes Against Your Opponents

The ability to counter-pick in Dota 2 is a very important aspect of the game that can have a great impact on the outcome of the game, and often even determine it from the very beginning. When playing at high rankings, and even at low rankings, you should know how to choose the best hero against your opponents, which will give your team a strategic advantage and increase the chance of winning.

What is a counter-pick?

Each hero in Dota 2 has its strengths and weaknesses, a unique set of abilities and talents, which makes some heroes more effective than others. A counter pick is the process of choosing a hero for your team that not only perfectly complements your team, but is also able to counter one or more heroes of the enemy team. This is done thanks to a set of abilities that weaken or level the strength of enemy characters. Counter-picking is based on the principles of analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both teams, and predicting whether the enemy will pick a hero that will be effective against you.

Anti-mage vs. Invoker
Anti-mage vs. Invoker

How to counter-pick correctly?

To counter-pick correctly, firstly, you need to analyze your opponents' choices and identify the key roles of their heroes, such as carry, midlane, offline, and support. This will help you understand their strategy and which heroes they rely on the most. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the abilities and strengths of the enemy heroes. For example, if they have a hero with powerful healing abilities, you should consider choosing heroes that reduce the effectiveness of healing. If the enemy has a hero with numerous controlled units, then you should take a character that not only easily deals with them thanks to AoE abilities, but also vice versa — the strength of the hero's abilities depends on the greater number of enemies in range.

It is very important to consider the composition of your team. You should pay attention to the synergy between your heroes. A team whose heroes work well together can often outperform a team in which each hero, although working as a counter-pick, offers no strong combination with an ally. Despite the desire to cantankerous enemy heroes, you should keep in mind the balance, and maintain equilibrium between different roles (heroes with strong attacking abilities, tanks, controllers). A balanced team adapts better to different situations. If each of your spades is focused only on the counter-pick, it can also play against you, since the counter-pick does not guarantee a mandatory victory, it depends on the realization of this hero. Therefore, the counter-pick should be focused only on significant characters, and in addition, you should remember that you need to have a hero in reserve to cover other team needs.

You often have to improvise and be flexible with your counter picks, as you never know what hero your opponent will choose, especially in the last stages of hero selection. It is also worth remembering that a set of counter picks does not necessarily mean that your game is automatically lost. Because a well-coordinated team play, coordination of actions, and the right items can turn the game around even at the last moment if done properly.

It is impossible to play all the characters well, because each character is special in its own way and requires many hours of playtime to fully comprehend it and be able to play imperfectly, but at a high enough level. Therefore, you shouldn't choose a counter-pick just because it's good against a particular enemy hero, if neither you nor any other teammate can play it. It's better to take the hero you play well, since you know its intricacies, mechanics, timings, purchases, etc. In this case, it is better to do everything so that your hero can withstand the enemy's carry, midder, or offlaner thanks to competent play.

Hero List
Hero List

Psychological aspects of counter-picking

When it comes to counter-picking in Dota 2, most players focus on the technical aspects of choosing heroes and their abilities. However, psychological aspects also play a significant role in this process. Mastering the psychology of counter-picking can give players an additional advantage and help them dominate their opponents.

Sometimes the psychological pressure of the unexpected choice of your team's hero can work against the enemy team. If the heroes see a strong and challenging hero against them, it can cause concern among the opposing team about the further strategy of the game against this character. Also, choosing a non-standard choice of heroes can cause confusion and misunderstanding of such a choice among opponents, which may even make them make mistakes during the game.

One of the most important aspects of counter-picking is the ability to read your opponents: to understand their playstyle, hero preferences, and strategy. If you often play against the same opponents (which is not uncommon), you can predict their choices over time and adjust your lineup accordingly. After each match, you should review the recording of your game to study not only the issue of counter picks, but also other subtleties of the game and analyze your own or team's mistakes.


Assistant for counter picks

If you've been playing Dota 2 for a while, or even after many hours of playing, you still haven't learned how to choose your counter pick, you can turn to various websites and apps to help you with the selection process. Websites such as Dota 2 Wiki and others offer quite detailed guides to counter-picking. These resources allow you to quickly find potential counterpicks based on your opponents' choices. After choosing the right allied or enemy hero, you can read about their strengths and weaknesses which heroes are good against them, and which are vice versa. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the hints in the game, as they often provide valuable information about effective counterpicks, but this is if the player has Dota Plus.

Practical tips on counter picks

There are over 100 heroes in Dota 2, and therefore there are many different combinations with them, which means that each game situation may require different approaches to choosing a counterpick for the current match. That is why we will mention a few popular heroes and their counterpicks to understand more clearly how to choose a hero. 

Anti-Mage is one of the most popular carry heroes in Dota 2. He is quite strong if you have a set of items necessary for him. His main advantages are high immunity to magic and mobility, which allows him to escape from the battle or, on the contrary, to suddenly break in. Therefore, a counter-pick requires a hero with strong control and high physical or pure damage. Good options would be: Meepo with high game pace, control, and physical attack; Doom with her ultimates that will prevent Anti-Mage from escaping and using items, but you should be careful not to use the ability on Counter Spell; Phantom Assassin with her critical attacks and burst damage.

Broodmother — often used in midrange, she moves quickly and creates numerous spiders that can easily kill other heroes and destroy structures.  Against her, heroes with strong control are needed to catch her, and the hero must have AoE abilities to get rid of the spiders. The most obvious option against her would be Earthshaker, whose ultimates can easily get rid of all the spiders and the spider herself. Legion Commander, thanks to Overwhelming Odds, which deals more damage when there are more units in the area of effect. Kunkka and Sven are also good, thanks to their splash attacks.


Clinkz has powerful physical attacks and moves quickly across the map, killing weak heroes from stealth. A counter-pick against Clinkz should be a hero who can reveal his invisibility, hold him off, and not die too quickly. Meepo is another good example, especially with its shadows. Slardar is pretty fat and has invisibility, and he also has a stun, which will not allow the enemy to escape easily.

Huskar is a fast-paced hero who is quite strong at the beginning of the game with only one item (Armlet). However, all his strength is in his low health, and therefore those who can easily use it against him will be suitable against him. Necrophos and Ancient Apparition, thanks to their ultimates, finish off the enemy hero if their health drops below the appropriate level.

Meepo farms fairly quickly across the map, and all his power is in his "brothers" who run with the main character. Against him, you should use heroes with good mass control and AoE damage. Earthshaker, Winter Wyvern, Warlock, and Sven are suitable for this. Each of their abilities is aimed not only at controlling the crowd, but also at dealing damage to it.

Morphling is strong due to its attacks, mobility, and power pumping. Therefore, you should have heroes that will not allow him to pump up, and also be able to take him out of the fight. This can be done by the same AA, whose ultimates will not allow him to pump into power. Skywrath Mage has strong control, including silencing. Phantom Lancer, thanks to its copies, will not allow Morphling to focus on only one target and will easily kill it.

So, the main aspect of choosing a counter-pick for heroes is to find their strengths and match them with heroes that will use them against them or negate their abilities.


Counter-picking is a powerful tool in Dota 2 that, if used correctly, can change the course of the game in your favor. Understanding the enemy's heroes, maintaining a balanced team composition, and adapting to the draft can improve your strategic advantage at the stage of selecting heroes and counterpicks. Remember that practice and continuous learning are key to mastering counterpicking. But at the same time, you should understand that counter-picking is just one of the tools to win, not the primary condition.

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